Greetings from my website! This project acts as a thorough how-to manual for copying and configuring the website locally. It outlines the goal of the website and offers comprehensive advice on how to get started. The website consists of various images and colors that are unique. The contents of each page of the website were planned and designed by the developer
Name: Joseph Acheampong Student ID: 11252709
This website is meant to function as the department of computer science's new webpage. In order to demonstrate my proficiency with git and frontend development as well. It gives me a stage on which to showcase my abilities and establish a rapport with possible customers.
The website includes eleven (11) pages, namely:
- Home
- About
- Academics and Catalog
- Research
- Events
- CS+X Innitiative
- People
- Contact
- Resources
- Careers
- Diversity

To clone and setup the project on your local machine,
- Open terminal on your computer
- Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the project.
- Run the command: "git clone". Replace your-username and your-repro with your github username and the name of the repository. After the cloning process is done, open the cloned folder from the navigated directory. On the bar where the name of the directory is showing, type "cmd" to open the terminal. When the terminal opens, type the command "code ." to open your Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Then you are good to go. All you need to be doing is adding Commit and pushing changes to your GitHub account.
What I have learned from the project This project has indeed helped me improve my frontend skills (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React). It also helped me master git and github, specifically how to fork a repo, how to create a pull request, and some git commands. In addition, I have learned how to build front-end projects faster and how to insert images in