Search the location to get the weather
How tpo run the weather app on your machine step 1: Open the commandline, navigate to the folder where u want to create the weather app. step 2: create weather app using command npx create-react-app weather-app. step 3: after creating the weather app, open the app directry in vscode of any other editor of your choice. step 4: open the terminal and install the Fontawesome so that we don't get errors after using the fontawesome in our code.
npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core npm install --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons npm install --save @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
step 5: copy and r replace the code of App.js of the created app with the App.js from the github repository. also replace the css styles in App.css with the styles of App.js got from the App.css of the github repo
step 6: in the src dir, create a new dir called components, copy the file Header.js and Search,js from the components folder in the github repo, this dir is located in the src folder of the GitHub repo.
step 7: ready to run, now run the app with command npm start
The app should now run without any errors
in the search field, enter a city and press enter to see the results.
Check for new features that will be added
Happy Hacking!