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Merge pull request #32 from lostella/lower-rank-fix
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Low rank fix
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andreasnoack authored Aug 21, 2018
2 parents 9da9aa0 + 0d7fec2 commit 43d31d1
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Showing 2 changed files with 40 additions and 4 deletions.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/Arpack.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Arnoldi and Lanczos iteration for computing eigenvalues
module Arpack

# To make Pkg aware that this dependency
# will be injected by BinaryProvider.
# will be injected by BinaryProvider.
using Libdl

const depsfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "deps.jl")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,20 +326,26 @@ function _svds(X; nsv::Int = 6, ritzvec::Bool = true, tol::Float64 = 0.0, maxite
# ind = [1:2:ncv;]
# sval = abs.(ex[1][ind])

svals = sqrt.(real.(ex[1]))
realex1 = real.(ex[1])
threshold = max(eps(real(otype))*realex1[1], eps(real(otype)))
firstzero = findfirst(v -> v <= threshold, realex1)
r = firstzero === nothing ? nsv : firstzero-1 # rank of the decomposition
realex1[r+1:end] .= zero(real(otype))
svals = sqrt.(realex1)

if ritzvec
# calculating singular vectors
# left_sv = sqrt(2) * ex[2][ 1:size(X,1), ind ] .* sign.(ex[1][ind]')
if size(X, 1) >= size(X, 2)
V = ex[2]
# We cannot assume that X*V is a Matrix even though V is. This is not
# the case for e.g. LinearMaps.jl so we convert to Matrix explicitly
U = Array(qr(rmul!(convert(Matrix, X*V), Diagonal(inv.(svals)))).Q)
U = Array(qr(rmul!(convert(Matrix, X*V), Diagonal([inv.(svals[1:r]); ones(nsv-r)]))).Q)
U = ex[2]
# We cannot assume that X'U is a Matrix even though U is. This is not
# the case for e.g. LinearMaps.jl so we convert to Matrix explicitly
V = Array(qr(rmul!(convert(Matrix, X'U), Diagonal(inv.(svals)))).Q)
V = Array(qr(rmul!(convert(Matrix, X'U), Diagonal([inv.(svals[1:r]); ones(nsv-r)]))).Q)

# right_sv = sqrt(2) * ex[2][ size(X,1)+1:end, ind ]
Expand Down
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -293,3 +293,33 @@ LinearAlgebra.adjoint(A::MyOp) = MyOp(adjoint(A.mat))
A = MyOp(randn(10, 9))
@test svds(A, v0 = ones(9))[1].S == svds(A.mat, v0 = ones(9))[1].S

@testset "low rank" begin
@testset "$T coefficients" for T in [Float64, Complex{Float64}]
@testset "rank $r" for r in [2, 5, 10]
m, n = 3*r, 4*r
nsv = 2*r

FU = qr(randn(T, m, r))
U = Matrix(FU.Q)
S = 0.1 .+ sort(rand(r), rev=true)
FV = qr(randn(T, n, r))
V = Matrix(FV.Q)

A = U*Diagonal(S)*V'
F = svds(A, nsv=nsv)[1]

@test F.S[1:r] S
if T == Complex{Float64}
# This test fails since ARPACK does not have an Hermitian solver
# for the complex case. This problem occurs for U in the "fat"
# case. In the "tall" case the same may happen for V instead.
@test_broken F.U'*F.U Matrix{T}(I, nsv, nsv)
@test F.U'*F.U Matrix{T}(I, nsv, nsv)
@test F.V'*F.V Matrix{T}(I, nsv, nsv)

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