Tags: JuliaPy/Pandas.jl
## Pandas v1.6.1 [Diff since v1.6.0](v1.6.0...v1.6.1) **Closed issues:** - Error when converting Pandas DataFrame to Array (#93) - Could you release new version e.g. 1.5.4 ? (#97) **Merged pull requests:** - Make 'values' work on dataframes. (#98) (@malmaud)
## Pandas v1.6.0 [Diff since v1.5.3](v1.5.3...v1.6.0) **Closed issues:** - Shouldn't this (converting Pandas to DataFrames) be possible? (#88) - Pandas new definition of operator == can cause error (#95) **Merged pull requests:** - add `read_gbq` (#89) (@terasakisatoshi) - add-1.7-to-julia_version (#90) (@terasakisatoshi) - CompatHelper: bump compat for Compat to 4, (keep existing compat) (#91) (@github-actions[bot]) - Fix Tables.jl implementation (#94) (@nalimilan) - Equality tests won't throw errors. (#96) (@malmaud)
## Pandas v1.5.3 [Diff since v1.5.2](v1.5.2...v1.5.3) **Merged pull requests:** - Adding read_parquet and to_parquet (#86) (@matthewghgriffiths)
## Pandas v1.5.2 [Diff since v1.5.1](v1.5.1...v1.5.2) **Closed issues:** - Pandas.DataFrame doesn't preserve the column order when converting from a DataFrames.DataFrame (#72) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix for scrambled order of columns (#73) (@PallHaraldsson)
## Pandas v1.5.1 [Diff since v1.5.0](v1.5.0...v1.5.1) **Closed issues:** - ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access Core.SimpleVector when converting to DataFrames.DataFrame (#68) - Error with converting from DataFrames.DataFrame --> Pandas.DataFrame if a column has all Missing values. (#71) **Merged pull requests:** - Bump version (#82) (@malmaud) - Fix conversion of all-missing column to Pandas (#84) (@malmaud) - Convert Pandas DateSeries to native Julia. (#85) (@malmaud)
## Pandas v1.5.0 [Diff since v1.4.0](v1.4.0...v1.5.0) **Closed issues:** - Enable appveyor (#34) - Installation without super user (#62) - Define methods Tables.columnaccess and Tables.rowaccess (#70) - It seems Pandas.jl does not correctly support Tables.jl interface (#77) **Merged pull requests:** - Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#67) (@JuliaTagBot) - Update README.md (#69) (@Mo-Saif) - Use proper compat bound (#74) (@tkf) - Setup GitHub Actions (#75) (@tkf) - Setup CompatHelper (#76) (@tkf) - Add support for Tables.jl interface (#78) (@malmaud) - Update TagBot workflow (#79) (@malmaud) - Enable Tables accessors (#80) (@malmaud) - Update README installation instructions. (#81) (@malmaud)