PyCall v1.95.2
Closed issues:
- I Can't import "finpy-tse" using pyimport (#1003)
- Error building PyCall with julia-1.8.5 due to Cryptography version (#1023)
- python package plugins (#1026)
- Cannot build PyCall, possibly due to incompatible architecture (#1027)
- [x-post] PyCall.jl setting incorrect libpython on Julia 1.9 (#1029)
- Docker Image Build: PyCall not found in current path (#1031)
- Pycall Gets Error in PyCharm and in Jupyter Lab but works in iPython (#1037)
- Cannot build PyCall: InvalidVersionSpec: Invalid version '>=': invalid operator (#1038)
Merged pull requests:
- Urgent: add option to disable numpy install / prevent corruption of conda-forge environments (#1040) (@MilesCranmer)