Krylov v0.9.9
Merged pull requests:
- Add an implementation of BLOCK-MINRES (#884) (@amontoison)
- Matrix-free example example with a PDE (#911) (@amontoison)
- Update nvidia.jl (#916) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Improve the docstring of SimpleStats (#917) (@amontoison)
- Improve the docstrings of Krylov.jl (#918) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Add comments in krylov_solve.jl (#919) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Add a link for the paper of BiCGstab(ℓ) (#920) (@amontoison)
- Update krylov_solve.jl (#921) (@amontoison)
- Fix a typo -- reflexion -> reflection (#922) (@amontoison)
- Use the infix operator to compute the timer (#923) (@amontoison)
- Update with JSOBestieTemplate for Krylov (#924) (@tmigot)
- Use rmul! instead of broadcast for kscal! (#926) (@amontoison)
- [documentation] Add a page about custom workspaces (#927) (@amontoison)
- Fix to_boundary for complex numbers (#928) (@amontoison)
- Remove broadcast in MINRES-QLP (#929) (@amontoison)
- Update trilqr.jl (#931) (@amontoison)
- Update with JSOBestieTemplate for Krylov (#938) (@tmigot)
- Upgrade TriCG, TriMR and GPMR (#943) (@amontoison)
- Upgrade the Krylov processes and detect breakdowns (#944) (@amontoison)
- Add a new constructor for all Krylov solvers (#947) (@amontoison)
Closed issues: