v9.0.5 - maintenance release
This is a patch release of Translation Manager for Umbraco 8/9 it contains a few minor fixes for reported issues and includes the new DeepL machine api in the core package.
- New DeepL Translation connector ( https://www.nuget.org/packages/Jumoo.TranslationManager.Connector.DeepL/)
- Spelling in the warning banners
- Improved error reporting if an approval fails
- Enhancements to the passthrough provider, to allow you to set "only passthrough blank content"
- Fix missing set name in the pending queue list
- Display supported providers from remote list in the connector dashboard.
Getting Translation Manager
Translation Manager 9 is distributed as a nuget package and can be added to your site in a couple of ways.
via dotnet add
via a command line you can add Translation Manager
dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 9.0.5
as a package reference
You can add the dependency directly to your projects .csproj file.
<PackageReference Include="Jumoo.TranslationManager" Version="9.0.5" />
via Visual Studio package manager console
If you are old school . install-package still works
install-package Jumoo.TranslationManager -version 9.0.5