4.0.0-beta13 - week 10 (10th March) Release
Migrations has (or is attempting to have) a fast cadence, we will release weekly if there are changes to release.
- Lots of extra migrators thanks to @snappercrumpleddog and @drpeck this week #h5yr
- Ability to move properties between tabs during migration @snappercrumpleddog
- Logging for blockgrid migrators. to help debug when you add one
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Override": {
... existing entries ....
"uSync.Migrations": "Debug"
What's Changed
Other Changes
- Manipulate tabs on migration by @snappercrumpleddog in #76
- Addition of RJP.MultiUrlPicker migrator to built-in MultiUrlPicker by @drpeck in #79
- Add a blockgrid validator by @KevinJump in #80
- Changes to some migrator dbtypes to allow more data during migration by @snappercrumpleddog in #81
- Migrators for Crumpled Dog produced data types by @snappercrumpleddog in #82
- Some NuPickers Migrators to Contentment data types by @snappercrumpleddog in #83
- Migrator for Imulus URL Picker by @snappercrumpleddog in #84
- More blockgrid logging. by @KevinJump in #85
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.0.0-beta12...4.0.0-beta13