APRS is a registered trademark Bob Bruninga, WB4APR.
This is intended to be a fairly lightweight, cross platform, graphical APRS client. Currently, this is a read-only client. The only ability it has to send data is a login packet to the server. There are certain packets that cannot be handled by the client, which is a limitation of the js-aprs-fap library.
aprs-view-js is NOT intended to be run as a web server and would cause many issues and potential system vulnerabilities being run as such. There are plenty of amazing online APRS clients such as https://aprs.fi.
- Ability to connect to either an aprsc or Jav-APRS-IS server.
- See raw data packets in output window.
If you would like to contribute, please feel free to fork the repo and add pull requests!
Please feel free to create a feature request in the issues.
Quasar CLI
npm i -g @quasar/cli
Clone the project.
yarn install
quasar dev -m electron
This is an example for building for windows.
quasar build -m electron -T win32
See Configuring quasar.conf.js.
- UI
- Restore to size, screen and location on start
- Output window styling? https://github.com/chinchang/screenlog.js
- Station settings
- Position
- Static
- Interval - 1 to 30 minutes
- GPS - SmartBeacon
- Position
- Maps
- Make maps a plugin
- Trails* - There are potential issues
- https://openlayers.org/workshop/en/vector/draw.html
- https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/323992/create-polyline-from-coordinates-array-in-ol-openlayers-5-3-2
- routes while cool would display more data than is actually transmitted, but is a cool idea: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/147617/how-to-draw-route-from-osrm-on-right-road-using-openlayers
- Rotated markers
- Show labels
- Properly handle objects - names, not moving stationary objects on duplicate src callsign, etc
- Heat maps on zoom out (aprs.fi)
- Remove old position reports
- Performance Resources- Ideas for improving
- Options
- Map
- Point lifetime
- Number of points for a map?
- Layers
- Layer Sources - Needs auth inputs
- Tile Sources - Needs auth inputs
- User defined maps
- User defined layers
- Opacity of layers
- User configured
- Default - ???
- User defined layers
- Weather station data layers
- Radar
- NWS watches/warnings
- nowCoast
- Location options
- Restore location and zoom level when switching screens
- Map start coordinates
- Map zoom level
- Weather station data layers - lots of data can be extracted from weather stations
- Labels
- Show labels
- Label options
- Object/Callsign
- Weather data?
- Station info panel - see aprs.fi
- Track station/Track my station
- Map
- ContextMenu
- Clear all reports
- Set my station position
- Create object (low priority also requires proper handling)
- Helpful plugins
- Offline - [outdated] https://github.com/tbicr/OfflineMap
- Search - https://github.com/stefanocudini/leaflet-search
- Realtime framework - https://github.com/perliedman/leaflet-realtime
- Leaflet plugins - https://github.com/shramov/leaflet-plugins
- Overlays - https://vue2-leaflet.netlify.app/components/LImageOverlay.html#demo
- B - Clearing all markers currently doesn't work properly. Working with kefir/bacon may help mitigate this
- B - Items/Objects may have multiple locations with the same callsign
- E - Items/Objects may have multiple locations with the same value, this will result in only 1 showing up
- E - Weather packets with no locations - if we know the location of the station already, update the id to get the latest when the icon is clicked?
- B - Overlays are not allowing newer markers to cover them
- E- APRSViewJS used Bacon/Kefir for filtering and packet types, can these be easily utilized to make packets easier to handle
- Is it possible to rewrite/extend VectorSource in openlayers to accept an observable array of features? https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/blob/main/src/ol/
- This could lead down a rabbit hole where the entire lib needs to be rewritten
- Collection would likely need to be rewritten - https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/blob/b7ccb68b02bd936373b1bd1d2f5ca445e1d286e0/src/ol/Collection.js
- Messaging
- Receive
- Send
- Control packet support???
- TNC Support - via js-aprs-tnc
- User defined commands
- Read - Serial
- Write - Serial
- Read - TCP
- Write - TCP
- General app settings
- Imperial/metric
- Themes
- Dark Theme
- Use OS theme?
- Filters
- Heard by my station (no digis)
- Station Type
- Packet Type
- Blocked stations
- Connection Settings
- Allow Transmit - NOTE: This doesn't do anything at the moment
- Station Settings
- Transmit position interval
- Transmit position
- Output Settings
- Clear output
- Pin to bottom (auto scrolling)
- Foreground color
- Background color
- Font
- Amount of data to display
- ULS Offline Lookup Other functionality to consider
- Digipeating
- IGate
- Most symbols are derived from https://github.com/hessu/aprs-symbols
- Primary Table
- Train engine - https://iconscout.com/icon/locomotive-engine-railway-steam-train-emoj-symbol
- House logos are color modified
- Secondary Table
- Originals from http://www.aprs.org
- Blowing Snow
- Girl Scout
- Ham Store
- Pharmacy
- Rain/Drizzle
- Skywarn®o
- Small Circle
- Wallcloud
- Originals derived from ?
- Obstruction
- Workzone
- Originals from http://www.aprs.org
- Overlays
- All are original
https://forum.quasar-framework.org/topic/1870/webpack-alias-in-quasar-conf-js-15/2 https://blog.logrocket.com/building-app-electron-vue/ https://lzomedia.com/blog/building-a-vue-3-desktop-app-with-pinia-electron-and-quasar/ https://blog.logrocket.com/advanced-electron-js-architecture/