Link to Kdenlive Sphinx documentation
Kdenlive documentation based on Sphinx
- First you need to install python3 and PIP as it is required to install sphinx.
- You can check whether python was installed successfully (and your version is 3 and not 2) by running
python --version
- Now you can sphinx and the sphinx theme we are using with
python3 -m pip install --upgrade sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
- You can check whether sphinx was installed successfully by running
sphinx-build --version
After you cloned this repository (only need to be done once), use a command line to go to its root folder (e.g. with cd /path/to/kdenlive-docs
Linux: make html
Windows: .\make html
The HTML is generated in build/html
(e.g. with /path/to/kdenlive-docs/build/html
). Open the web document by double click index.html
Linux: make epub
Windows: .\make epub
The epub ebook is generated in build/epub
(e.g. with /path/to/kdenlive-docs/build/epub
). Open the ebook by double click index.xhtml
Contribute to this Manual. More details see here.
The status of the Kdenlive documentation you can see here.