I'm Nabil Tharwat, a software engineer, content creator, and mentor based in Cairo, Egypt. I started coding when I was 12 with VB, and now living in JS land. I love contributing to open source. Accessibility and performance are part of my eternal quest.
I run a YouTube channel and a weekly podcast. My articles can be found on my blog, even the ones published on freeCodeCamp news and dev.to. I also founded an online community, Valarium, make sure to check them out!
Email and Twitter are your best channels. You can also find me on LinkedIn and Discord.
When I'm not coding some frontend stuff I'm usually found experimenting, mentoring people new to the field, trying out new utilities on the market, blogging, going live, making videos and devlogs, or contributing to Valarium.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on some interesting ideas!
- 🌱 I’ve finally graduated Computer Science at Cairo University, and still exploring mental health for developers
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects built with technologies like TypeScript!
- 💬 Ask me anything!
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
I have a GitHub Sponsors profile up if you'd like to support me and my work! 🙏😄