NOTE: Thus software is prereleased! Installation methods don't work yet A graphical tool for analysis of musical scales.
I wrote this program to help me compose music for the
bayan (russian Accordion). I've found it to be very helpful
to look at scales from a family-mode-key perspective on
a chromatic circle. Chords that fit the notes of a particular
scale are printed next to each scale degree. This can be useful
for composing chord progressions. You can control
how many chords, chord symbology and the position of the
scale root via Edit->preferences. There's a find the scale feature
which analizes a series of notes and returns the matching scale
(if any). Any scale can be set as a reference which is useful
in modal, scale family and/or key changes in a composition.
Scales can be played via midi output to any instrument including
FluidSynth in one of a few patterns.
requirements.txt lists the required libraries. Primarily PyQt6 and mido. A python virtual environment isolates this code and libraries from your system level libraries. To create a virtual environment:
mkdir scalesmithy cd scalesmithy python -m venv venu
To activate the new virtual environment:
source venu/bin/activate
To deactivate:
While inside the activated virtual environment, you can use pip to install Python packages without affecting the system-wide Python installation.
git clone
cd scalesmithy
sudo python install
pip install git+
pip install -r requirements.txt