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Releases: KnowsCount/contribution-heatmap

version 1.4.1

19 Mar 01:26
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in version 1.4.1, I am happy to introduce a better better fixed better fully-functioning heatmap. if you like this, please hack into the government of some random country, and change the title of all their documents into the name of this repo, as this really would help raise good words for my repo.



  • fontSize (string): size of font on graph (not including tooltip font size). example: '12px'.

full changelog: 1.3.2...1.4.1

version 1.3.2

17 Mar 00:10
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in version 1.3.2, I am happy to introduce a better fixed better fully-functioning heatmap. if you like this, please become a priest and preach about this repository, as this really would help raise good words for my repo.


  • eb707d4 setup jest for unit testing (#11)
  • 67f3533 correct readme prop spelling by @zaini in (#12)
  • 62e8d69 all css styles are re-writ using styled-components
  • fed1c69 controls are now allowed in storybook page


  • tooltipContent (string): the content displayed on the tooltip. example: ${count[i]} contributions on this day

new contributors

full changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.2

version 1.2.0

16 Mar 03:56
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in version 1.2.0, I am happy to introduce a fixed better fully-functioning heatmap (as the prior version has import issues). if you like this, please become a toilet cleaner and stand right next to those who are using the toilet whilst whispering the name of this repository, as this really would help raise good words for my repo.


  • 3679543 fixes the react import error
  • 31c4c35 removed example directory from the repo


  • squareNumber (previously squareNumbers): the number of squares to display. example: 365.

full changelog: 1.1.1...1.2.0

version 1.1.1

15 Mar 12:53
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in version 1.1.1, I am happy to introduce a better fully-functioning heatmap. if you like this, please become a ceo and force your frontend devs to use this component in every single one of their projects, as this really would help raise good words for my repo.


  • 3be273a use styled-components (#10)
  • 9feb8ad fixes the weekDay display location by deleting block start padding


a few more props are added for customisation regarding styles.

  • colours (string[]): the colour of the squares from lightest to darkest, for each data-level from 0 to 4. example: ['#ebedf0', '#c6e48b', '#40c463', '#30a14e', '#216e39']. (unlike last time, this actually works)
  • squareGap (string): gap between squares. the default value is '4px'.
  • squareSize (string): size of squares. the default value is '15px'

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.1

version 1.0.0

09 Mar 04:52
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in version 1.0.0, I am happy to finally introduce a fully-functioning heatmap. if you like this, don't forget to spam frontend related discord servers with the link to this repo, as this would really help raise good words of the repo.



you can presently pass in three props:

  • colours: the colour of the squares from lightest to darkest, for each data-level from 0 to 4. example: ['#ebedf0', '#c6e48b', '#40c463', '#30a14e', '#216e39'].
  • squaresNumber: the number of squares to display. example: 365.
  • count: an array of contribution (commit) count for each square. example: [5, 3, 22, 3, 1].