Loki is an iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS framework for manipulating UIImage
. Methods to resize, tint, highlight, blur, and adjust contrast, brightness or saturation are provided on iOS/macOS/tvOS. A subset of the methods are available on watchOS because of their reliance on the Accelerate
Additional methods are provided to render images from PDF source documents, given a specific width, height, or size, provided the PDF name, bundle or URL.
You can install Loki using cocoapods, Carthage, or as a framework.
, andtvOS
Highlight an image:
// assume image exists
UIImage *image = ...;
// the image will have a partially transparent orange tint applied over it
image = [image KLO_imageByHighlightingWithColor:[UIColor.orangeColor colorWithAlphaComponent:0.25]];
Tint an image:
// assume image exists
UIImage *image = ...;
// the image will have its opaque pixels colored orange
image = [image KLO_imageByTintingWithColor:UIColor.orangeColor];
Resize an image:
// assume image exists
UIImage *image = ...;
// the image will be resized to the provided size and its aspect ratio will be maintained
image = [image KLO_imageByResizingToSize:CGSizeMake(25, 25) maintainAspectRatio:YES];
Blur an image:
// assume image exists
UIImage *image = ...;
// the image will be blurred using a box blur with the provided radius
image = [image KLO_imageByBlurringWithRadius:25.0];
Generate PDF images:
// image with the provided name in the main bundle scaled to the provided width and automatically determined height
UIImage *image = [UIImage KLO_imageWithPDFNamed:@"image" width:100];
// image with the provided name in the main bundle scaled to the provided height and automatically determined width
UIImage *image = [UIImage KLO_imageWithPDFNamed:@"image" height:100];
// image with the provided name in the main bundle scaled to the provided size
UIImage *image = [UIImage KLO_imageWithPDFNamed:@"image" size:CGSizeMake(25, 25)];
There are numerous other method PDF related methods. See UIImage+KLOPDFExtensions.h and NSImage+KLOPDFExtensions.h for full method listing.
The various demo targets in the workspace provide further examples of the image and PDF related methods in action.