Colorscheme derived from navarasu/onedark.nvim. Follows the style in Bayonetta
Follow the instructions at navarasu/onedark.nvim.
The usage is almost the same (but some custom settings might be broken)
Treesitter & lsp recommended.
Requires lastest release or nightly. Tip: In Ubuntu, use snap to install the latest release. The version in apt stable is too far behind, and unstable is too unstable.
local umbra = require('umbra')
umbra.setup {
-- Main options --
style = 'fullmoon', -- Default theme style. Choose between 'fullmoon', 'newmoon', 'jeanne', 'impure', 'lite'.
-- original onedark styles are also available: 'dark', 'darker', 'cool', 'deep', 'warm', 'warmer' and 'light'
transparent = false, -- Show/hide background
term_colors = true, -- Change terminal color as per the selected theme style
ending_tildes = false, -- Show the end-of-buffer tildes. By default they are hidden
cmp_itemkind_reverse = false, -- reverse item kind highlights in cmp menu
-- toggle theme style ---
toggle_style_key = '!', -- keybind to toggle theme style. Bang is my custom setting. Leave it nil to disable it, or set it to a string, for example "<leader>ts"
toggle_style_list = {
-- below are vanilla onedark styles
}, -- List of styles to toggle between
-- Change code style ---
-- Options are italic, bold, underline, none
-- You can configure multiple style with comma separated, For e.g., keywords = 'italic,bold'
code_style = {
comments = 'italic',
keywords = 'none',
functions = 'none',
strings = 'none',
variables = 'none'
-- Lualine options --
lualine = {
transparent = false, -- lualine center bar transparency
-- Custom Highlights --
colors = {}, -- Override default colors
highlights = {
-- For all options, see lua/umbra/highlights.lua
}, -- Override highlight groups
-- Plugins Config --
diagnostics = {
darker = true, -- darker colors for diagnostic
undercurl = true, -- use undercurl instead of underline for diagnostics
background = true, -- use background color for virtual text
Beyond onedark, this colorscheme adds a few features:
- Links every lsp hl-group to treesitter hl-group. In this way, custom highlight groups won't be overrided when lsp loads.
- Custom color for parameter, builtin, telescope, ibl_indent, ibl_scope. (experimental, if custom highlights doesn't work, I will fix that)
I hope nobody will bother using the second feature so that I don't have to write doc
- Released 'impure'
- Released 'jeanne'