Accordingly gives our user advice on what to wear or bring according to the environmental factors such as weather, air quality, uv index during their trip/activity so they’re not gonna get caught out in the rain without an umbrella. We like to think of it as the loving advice of a mom or dad would give before you leave home. To accomplish this, our app has two main views, the home and schedule.
- React
- Node.JS
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core: ^1.2.32
- @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons: ^5.15.1
- @fortawesome/react-fontawesome: ^0.1.11
- @n8tb1t/use-scroll-position: ^2.0.3
- @testing-library/jest-dom: ^4.2.4
- @testing-library/react: ^9.3.2
- @testing-library/user-event: ^7.1.2
- moment: ^2.29.1
- node-sass: ^4.14.1
- react": ^16.14.0
- react-dom: ^16.14.0
- react-places-autocomplete: ^7.3.0
- react-router-dom: ^5.2.0
- react-cripts": 3.4.4
- typescript": ^4.0.3
- axios: ^0.21.0
- cookie-parser: ~1.4.4
- debug": ~2.6.9
- dotenv: ^8.2.0
- express: ~4.16.1
- http-errors: ~1.6.3
- morgan: ~1.9.1
- node-gyp: ^7.1.2
- pg": ^8.4.2
- pg-native: ^3.0.0
- rebuild: ^0.1.2
- Open Weather
- Google Maps
- Create your .env file by referencing the .env.example. You'll need to set up a database and APIs keys.
- Install dependencies in both client and server directories using npm install.
- Create the database, then set and seed the database using npm run db:reset.
- From the client directory: npm start.
- From the server directory: npm run server.
- Visit http://localhost:3000/