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Library and CLI tool to start local devnets with specific EigenLayer Operator states


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EigenLayer AVS Devnet

AvsDevnet is a CLI tool and library to start highly customizable local devnets. The CLI tool is used in place of bash scripts for end-to-end testing and local development. The library, on the other hand, is commonly used in place of mocks for automated testing of specific situations.


Currently, only the Kurtosis package and CLI are available. Future versions may include the testing library.



Since the Devnet is implemented as a Kurtosis package, we require Kurtosis to be installed. And since it uses Docker, you'll also need to install it.

You can find how to install it in the Kurtosis documentation:


For deploying local contracts, foundry needs to be installed. Also, only contracts inside foundry projects are supported as of now.

You can find how to install it in the Foundry documentation:

Development dependencies

For development, we use the go toolchain.

To install it, check the official installation guide:

How to install

Using the install script

To download a binary for the latest release, run:

curl -sSfL | sh -s

This command downloads and executes our main branch install script, installing the latest binary release of the devnet. It will be installed inside the ~/bin directory by default. You'll need to have this directory in your PATH to be able to call it by name (i.e. avs-devnet instead of ~/bin/avs-devnet). This can be done by running:

export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

To persist this change, you'll need to add it to your ~/.bashrc file (or other, depending on your chosen shell).


Alternatively, you can specify the install path with -b <path>, like so:

curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin

Using go toolchain

To install the devnet using the go toolchain:

go install


To be able to use the CLI when installed via go, you'll need to add GOBIN (by default $HOME/go/bin) to your PATH. You can do so by adding to your ~/.bashrc, or the equivalent for your shell, the following line:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"

More information on the Go wiki.

With a local copy of the repo

To build and install the CLI with a local copy of the repo, first clone the repo, and then run:

make deps      # installs dependencies
make install   # installs the project

How to Use

Creating a devnet config

This will create a new devnet config. By default it's stored as devnet.yaml, but another name can be passed as parameter.

avs-devnet init

The default configuration deploys EigenLayer with a single strategy and operator. It also starts up a blockscout explorer.

Starting the devnet

This will start a devnet according to the configuration inside devnet.yaml. Another file name can be specified as the first parameter.

avs-devnet start

Note that only one devnet per file name can be running at the same time. Trying to start another one (or the same one more than once) will fail.


If you encounter any issues while running the devnet, check the "Troubleshooting" section for known problems. If that doesn't help, feel free to open an issue here.

Stopping the devnet

This will stop the devnet according to the configuration inside devnet.yaml. Another file name can be specified as the first parameter.

avs-devnet stop

Fetching the address of a contract

This will output the address of the deployed contract named delegation, from the artifact eigenlayer_addresses. In the default configuration, this corresponds to the address of EigenLayer's DelegationManager.

$ avs-devnet get-address eigenlayer_addresses:delegationManager

This works by parsing the JSON artifacts generated by the deployment scripts. The command expects each artifact to be composed of a single JSON file with the addresses.

More examples:

# print all addresses in eigenlayer_addresses artifact
$ avs-devnet get-address eigenlayer_addresses:
  "addresses": {
    # ...
    "delegation": "0x9f9F5Fd89ad648f2C000C954d8d9C87743243eC5",
    # ...
    "strategies": {
      "MockETH": "0x2b45cD38B213Bbd3A1A848bf2467927c976877Cb"
    # ...
  # ...
# print the address under strategies -> MockETH
$ avs-devnet get-address eigenlayer_addresses:strategies.MockETH
# because we also search nested entries, the last one can be shortened to
$ avs-devnet get-address eigenlayer_addresses:MockETH
# by adding a . at the start, we disable the search function
$ avs-devnet get-address eigenlayer_addresses:.MockETH  # this fails
Contract not found: eigenlayer_addresses:.MockETH

Fetching the ports of a service

This will output the ports exposed by each service, in YAML format.

$ avs-devnet get-ports
validator-key-generation-cl-validator-keystore: {}

Advanced Features

Local development

Some fields in the config can be used to ease deployment of local projects. Under examples/ we have some devnet configurations that follow this approach.

Deployment from local source

The repo field in deployments accepts local paths. Use this to deploy from locally available versions.

  - name: incredible-squaring
    repo: "." # the directory where the devnet config file is in

Services with locally-built images

The build_context field in services, if specified, allows the Devnet to automatically build docker images via docker build. Images are built in the specified context, and tagged with the name specified in the image field. If the build file is named something other than Dockerfile, or isn't located in the context, you can use build_file to specify the path.

  - name: my-aggregator
    image: aggregator
    build_context: "dockerfiles/"
    build_file: "aggregator.Dockerfile"

For image builds requiring a custom command, you can use build_cmd to specify it. This overrides the build_context and build_file.

  - name: my-aggregator
    image: aggregator
    build_cmd: "docker build . -t aggregator && touch .finished"

Static files

Static files can be made into a file artifact by using static_file in the artifacts.<artifact-name>.files.<file-name> section.

      somefile.txt: "path/to/myfile.log"

Plug and play examples

Devnet configurations can be made to run without any local dependencies. In that case, running it is as easy as:

  1. Install AvsDevnet
  2. Download the devnet configuration to use as devnet.yaml
  3. Run avs-devnet start in the same folder

Under examples/ we have some devnet configurations that follow this approach.

Deployment from remote source

The repo field in deployments accepts any remote git repo URL. This should be used for deployment of contracts not locally available.

  - name: incredible-squaring
    # URL taken from the clone option on GitHub
    repo: ""

Services with remote images

If no other option is specified (see Services with locally-built images), images will be.

  - name: my-aggregator
    image: aggregator

For image builds requiring a custom command, you can use build_cmd to specify it. This overrides the build_context and build_file.

  - name: my-aggregator
    image: aggregator
    build_cmd: "docker build . -t aggregator && touch .finished"

Remote static files

Static files can be specified by an arbitrary URL. The devnet will then send a GET HTTP request to fetch the file.

      somefile.txt: ""

Running multiple devnets

Some subcommands accepts a --name/-n parameter, which sets the devnet name to be used (the default is devnet). By specifying different names, you can work with multiple devnets at the same time.


# Starts a devnet with name "devnet"
avs-devnet start
# Starts a devnet with name "foo"
avs-devnet start -n foo

# Gets the ports exposed by "devnet"
avs-devnet get-ports
# Gets the ports exposed by "foo"
avs-devnet get-ports -n foo

# Stops "devnet"
avs-devnet stop
# The next command fails because "devnet" is not running
avs-devnet get-ports
# This works
avs-devnet get-ports -n foo

More Help

You can find the options for each command by appending --help:

$ avs-devnet --help
   avs-devnet - start an AVS devnet

   avs-devnet [global options] command [command options]


   init         Initialize a devnet configuration file
   start        Start devnet from configuration file
   stop         Stop devnet from configuration file
   get-address  Get a devnet contract or EOA address
   get-ports    Get the published ports on the devnet
   help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version


An example (non-functional) configuration is:

# Lists the contracts to deploy
    # The name of the contract group
  - name: deployment-name
    # The repo to fetch the contracts from
    repo: ""
    # This can also be a local path (absolute or relative)
    # repo: ./foo/bar
    # The commit/branch/tag to use
    ref: "d05341ef33e5853fd3ecef831ae4dcfbf29c5299"
    # The path to the foundry project inside the repo
    contracts_path: "contracts/"
    # The path to the deployer script (may include the contract name after ':')
    script: script/deploy/devnet/M2_Deploy_From_Scratch.s.sol:Deployer_M2
    # Extra args passed on to `forge script`
    extra_args: --sig 'run(string memory configFile)' -- deploy_from_scratch.config.json
    # Verify with local blockscout explorer (default: false)
    verify: true
    # Environment variables to set for deployment
      # Key: env variable name
      # Value: env variable's value
      key: value
      # Values inside double brackets '{{ }}' are expanded at runtime according to Go template syntax
      PRIVATE_KEY: "{{.deployer_private_key}}"
    # Input files to embed into the repo
      # Key: destination to insert the files in
      # Value: name of the artifact containing the files
      script/configs/devnet/: eigenlayer_deployment_input
      # Multiple artifacts can be specified and all artifact files will be stored
      # in the directory
        - file_a
        - file_b
    # Output files to store after execution
      # Key: name of the new artifact
      # Value: path to the file to store in the artifact
      eigenlayer_addresses: "script/output/devnet/M2_from_scratch_deployment_data.json"
      # You can also specify a new name for the file before storing it
        # Same as before
        path: "script/output/devnet/M2_from_scratch_deployment_data.json"
        # The new name to give to the file
        rename: "eigenlayer_deployment_output.json"
    # Specifies addresses to extract from output artifacts
      # Key: name of the address
      # Value: `<artifact-name>:<jq-filter-to-apply>`, same syntax as `devnet get-address`
      my_contract: "eigenlayer_addresses:.addresses.avsDirectoryImplementation"

    # Available types: eigenlayer
    # This autofills some of the other options, and allows access
    # to additional arguments
  - type: eigenlayer
    # Same as before
    ref: v0.4.2-mainnet-pepe
    # In case the ref doesn't start with the version (i.e. is a specific commit or branch)
    # you can specify the nearest version, so the devnet knows how to deploy it
    version: v0.4.2
    # The strategies to deploy, all of them backed by the same mocked token
      # The strategy name
      - MockETH
    # The operators to register in EigenLayer
        # The name of the operator
      - name: operator1
        # The keys
        keys: ecdsa_keys
        # The strategies to deposit shares in
          # strategy_name: number_of_tokens
          MockETH: 100000000000000000

# Lists the services to start after the contracts are deployed
    # Name for the service
  - name: my-service
    # The docker image to use
    image: image-name
    # Local images are built automatically when specifying `build_context`
    # Specifies the context for the image's dockerfile
    build_context: path/to/context
    # Optional. Used to override the default of "build_context/Dockerfile".
    build_file: path/to/context/Dockerfile
    # Specifies a custom command for building the image.
    # This overrides the `build_context` and `build_file` options.
    build_cmd: "docker build . -t image-name && touch somefile.txt"
    # The ports to expose on the container
      # The key is a name for the port
        # Port number
        number: 8090
        # Port transport protocol: TCP, UDP
        transport_protocol: "TCP"
        # Application protocol: HTTP, etc.
        application_protocol: "http"
        # Timeout before failing deployment. `null` can be used to disable this.
        # Default: 15s
        wait: "10s"
    # Input files to embed into the repo
    # Same as in `deployments`
      key: value
    # Used to specify environment variables to pass to the image
      # Key: env variable name
      # Value: env variable's value
      key: value
      # Values inside double brackets '{{ }}' (templates) are expanded
      # at runtime according to Go template syntax.
      # This example expands to the `ecdsa_keys` keystore's password
      ECDSA_KEY_PASSWORD: "{{.keys.ecdsa_keys.password}}"
    # Command to use when running the docker image
    # Options may contain templates
    cmd: ["some", "option", "here", "{{.keys.ecdsa_keys.address}}"]

# Lists the keys to be generated at startup
    # Name for the keys
  - name: "ecdsa_keys"
    # Type of keys: bls, ecdsa
    type: "ecdsa"
    # Key details will be dynamically generated unless specified
    # Address of the precomputed key
    address: "0xdeadbeef"
    # Private key of the precomputed key
    private_key: "0xdeadbeef"

# Lists artifacts to be generated at startup
  # Artifact name
    # Data from other artifacts to use in the generation
      # Artifact name to fetch data from
        # Key: name of the variable to populate
        # Value: jq filter to extract the data
        # NOTE: this assumes that the data inside the artifact is a single JSON file
        some_variable: "[0]"

    # List of files to store inside the artifact
      # Key: file name
      # Value: a description on how to construct the file.
        # For templates, the value is a string, assumed to be a Go template
        # (see for more information).
        # There are also some dynamically populated fields like 'deployer_address'
        # See the "Context object" section for more info
        template: |
            "a": 5,
            "someVariable": {{.some_variable}},
            "deployerAddress": {{.deployer_address}},
            "avsDirectory": {{.addresses.EigenLayer.avsDirectory}},
            "contractAddress": {{(index .addresses "deployment-name").my_contract}}

        # For static_file, the value is a URL to the file to include inside the artifact.
        static_file: docs/foobar.txt

        # The URL can be for a remote file too (see "Remote static files")

# Args to pass on to ethereum-package.
# See for more information
    - blockscout

Context object

The Context object can be accessed via Go template syntax (e.g: {{.}}). Thinking of it as a nested map, items can be accessed by specifying the keys to be accessed, in order: {{.first_key.second_key.third_key}} Some additional functions are also available, like {{slice ...}} and {{index ...}} (more info here).

What follows is a list of the values available in the Context object.


The URL of the HTTP-RPC exposed on the first node of the underlying devnet.

Example value:


The URL of the WebSocket-RPC exposed on the first node of the underlying devnet.

Example value: ws://


The ECDSA private key used when deploying contracts.

Example value: 0xbcdf20249abf0ed6d944c0288fad489e33f66b3960d9e6229c1cd214ed3bbe31


The address used to deploy contracts.

Example value: 0x8943545177806ED17B9F23F0a21ee5948eCaa776


The address of the contract <contract-name> from deployment <deployment-name>. Note that this requires the address to be declared before the template expansion.

Example value: {{.addresses.MyAvs.serviceManager}} expands to 0x89a37F5cd42162B56DE8A48bDe38A6E97C965675


The IP address of the service <service-name>. Note that this requires the service to be started before the template expansion.

Example value: {{.services.aggregator.ip_address}} expands to


The Ethereum address associated to the key named <key-name>. Only ECDSA keys have this property.

Example value: 0x0d7597aedfa6b73f3aac93ecfcf5abcfbcc5cd40


The private key of the key named <key-name>.

Example value:

  • ECDSA: 0xe314a391f6e0128c35573c9157baedd8381350e4efdc7e73509849a8e0b73f32
  • BLS: 11311926940818870267862834934784331525396505743635597567466859068964031983193


The password to the keystore for the key named <key-name>. Only dynamically generated keys have this property.

Example value: jR07sE6zmoIElmwjsf7m


"An API version mismatch was detected"

Sometimes the Kurtosis CLI and engine have mismatching versions. When that happens you can fix it by updating the Kurtosis CLI via your chosen method, and restarting the engine with:

kurtosis engine restart

failed to read downloaded context: failed to load cache key: invalid response status 403 (#145)

This errors happens due to a bug in moby/moby. It can be fixed by disabling the "Use containerd for pulling and storing images" option in Docker Desktop.

Kurtosis package

For how to use the Kurtosis package or interact with the devnet via Kurtosis CLI, see the documentation available in docs/


We have a Makefile for some of the usual tasks. Run make help for more info.

Security Bugs

Please report security vulnerabilities to Do NOT report security bugs via Github Issues.


🚧 AvsDevnet is under active development. AvsDevnet is rapidly being upgraded, features may be added, removed or otherwise improved or modified and interfaces will have breaking changes. AvsDevnet should be used only for testing purposes and not in production. AvsDevnet is provided "as is" and Eigen Labs, Inc. does not guarantee its functionality or provide support for its use in production. 🚧