- nlohmann_json/3.10.5 - static
- sfml/2.5.1 - shared
- ogg/1.3.5
- behaviortree.cpp/3.5.6
If conan not installed
pip install conan
Directory : Pigs-on-the-moon
mkdir conanBuild
cd conanBuild
conan install ..
cd ..
mkdir cmake-build
cmake ..
cmake -build
cd bin
Conan profiles example from our team:
Linux | Windows |
[settings] arch=x86_64 arch_build=x86_64 build_type=Debug compiler=gcc compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 compiler.version=9 os=Linux os_build=Linux |
[settings] os=Windows os_build=Windows arch=x86_64 arch_build=x86_64 compiler=Visual Studio compiler.version=16 build_type=Debug |
✅ We have a graphical view that is currently off. We use sfml.
✅ Our bot connects to the game and plays it to the end.
He makes decisions based on behavior tree.
Just run Pigs_on_the_moon application in the build\bin folder.
Use key -n (name) -pa (password) -g (game name) -t (number turns) -pl (players number) -o (is observer 0/1)
Pigs_on_the_moon.exe -t 31 -n bot
Pigs_on_the_moon.exe -n bot -g finalBattle -t 45 -pl 3
We have not encountered the problem of using auto_ptr, but we do not exclude the possibility of this event. Good luck : neutral_face: