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This is a simple popover component that gives you an easy to use, and flexible popover menu.


$ npm install --save reactable-popover


  className="my-class"                // Optional: A class name to be added to the popover
  toggleButton={<button>Foo</button>} // Required: The element that will toggle the popover. Does not have to be a button.
  position="top"                      // Optional: 

    <li>Menu Item One</li>
    <li>Menu Item Two</li>

The content inside the popover component will be rendered as is. You can use it for menus, forms, or just for informational purposes.


Property Required? Description Parameters
className Optional A class name to be added to the outer div of the popover Any string
toggleButton Required The element that will toggle the popover. This does not have to be a button. Any element
position Optional The position of the popover relative to the toggleButton. Defaults to bottom. One of top, bottom, left, or right
leftOffset Optional The number of pixels to offset the popover from the left (should be negative for right justified popovers) Any integer
topOffset Options The number of pixels to offset the popover from the top of the popover. Defaults to 10. Any integer
horizontalJustify Optional The side of the toggleButton to calculate the offset from. Defaults to left. One of left or right


Popovers for React






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