What's Changed
- Add a ticking mock clock implementation by @ben-challis in #384
- Provide PSR-20 implementation by @mateuszsip in #388
- Add infection for mutation testing, various cleanups of the test suite and improve test coverage by @ben-challis in #313
- Use composer audit over local-php-security-checker by @ben-challis in #316
- Use ramsey/composer-install for composer dependency version management in CI matrix by @ben-challis in #317
- Fix missing codeCoverageIgnore annotation, move construction to single line for Date VO by @ben-challis in #382
- Check code style only with locked dependencies by @marmichalski in #387
- Update README to fix URI to PSR-20 meta and specify it's PSR number by @ben-challis in #389
New Contributors
- @mateuszsip made their first contribution in #388
Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.2.0