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A Todo list app for individuals amd teams with powerful functionalities for team work and organization. This web-application uses Symfony, a popular PHP Framework for its base and core functionalities on the server side. For the client side, it uses principally ReactJs and Tailwind, with the wonderful components from ShadCN UI.

Table of Contents


  • Symfony Web Application - Uses Symfony for dynamic rendering of the html content.
  • React Components - Uses React for the easy DOM manipulation and fast rendering
  • Responsive Design - Adapts to different screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  • Minimalist Styling - CSS-in-JS for a simple and clean look.


Check out the live demo here: Live Demo URL (replace # with your live demo link if hosted).

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you on how to set up and run the project locally.


  • Node.js (version 16.x or above)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  • Composer (PHP Package Manager)
  • Maker Bundle (For easy deployment)
  • Symfony CLI (Optional)


  1. Clone the repository:

       git clone
    cd ReactTodoList
  2. Create the .env.local file using the .env file as model

    cp .env .env.local
  3. In the .env.local file, override necessary environment variables. In case you have no mailing services, you can use mailpit which is very simple to use.

    MAILER_DSN=your mailer configuration
    • Using MySQL
    DATABASE_URL="mysql://{your username}:{your password}@{your database name}?serverVersion=8.0.32&charset=utf8mb4"
    • Using MariaDB
    DATABASE_URL="mysql://{your username}:{your password}@{your database name}?serverVersion=10.11.2-MariaDB&charset=utf8mb4"
    • Using PostgreSQL
    DATABASE_URL="postgresql://{your username}:{your password}@{your database name}?serverVersion=16&charset=utf8"
  4. Create the database, migrations and modify the database

    • Using PHP
    mkdir migrations
    php bin/console make:migration
    php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
    • Using Symfony CLI
    mkdir migrations
    symfony console make:migration
    symfony console doctrine:migration:migrate
  5. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
    composer install
  6. Start the development server:

    php -S localhost:8000 -t public/
    npm run dev
  7. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8000 to see the blog.


  • Styling: The styling is made by tailwind. Many of the elements are made from ShadCN UI, hence just the modifying the global css variables may help to change the styling to your wants.
  • Build for Production: Run npm run build to create an optimized production build in the build/ directory.


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