A blog like web-app made in pure PHP and JavaScript. Users can create accounts, login, reset their passwords, create posts, change profile pictures etc... The Website is not yet responsive, hence needing the use of a computer with normal screen size to use.
- PHP Web Application - Uses PHP for dynamic rendering of the html content.
- Minimalist Styling - CSS-in-JS for a simple and clean look.
These instructions will guide you on how to set up and run the project locally.
- PHP (version 8.x or above)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/LinkNexus/Social-Network.git cd Social-Network
Create an .env file at the root of the project
touch .env
In the .env file, create necessary environment variables.
Use the database.sql file to create the database and tables
mysql -u username -p password < database.sql
Start the development server:
php -S localhost:8000 -t public/
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8000 to see the blog.
- Styling: The styling is made by using pure css in the file called Styles/Style.css.