A robust, interpretable, non-iterative imputation framework for sparse datasets in drug discovery.
This is the repo for the manuscript: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.11703
On Linux:
conda create --name qcomp
conda activate qcomp
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cpuonly -c pytorch
pip install deepchem
pip install tensorflow ## deepchem requires tensorflow
pip install matplotlib
python main.py
The ADMET data compiled from various public sources and the corresponding Chemprop multitask model predictions are located under public_data_results
. The dataset is randomly split to 80 % training and 20 % test sets using 5-folds. Details on the files under public_data_results
contains all data for 25 different ADMET assays along with SMILES strings and molecular weights of compounds.data_count_name_unit_info.csv
contains detailed information and unit of each ADMET assay. The dataset is very sparse.data_overlap_count_between_prop.csv
shows the number of compound overlaps between each pair of assays.spearman_corr_heatmap.pdf
shows the Spearman correlation heatmap generated for the assay pair that has at least 10 overlapping compounds.random_split_data_results
: contains training and test sets for each fold. In each fold,chemprop_multitask_pred
folder contains the predictions from Chemprop multitask model (e.g.public_admet_data_random_fold_0_test_set_model_pred.csv
) and the ensemble variance of the model predictions (e.g.public_admet_data_random_fold_0_test_set_model_ensemble_variance.csv
shows the comparison among Random Forest (RF), Chemprop single-task, and Chemprop multi-task models. The RF model uses the Morgan Fingerprints and MOE2D descriptors. The errors are evaluated over 5-fold cross validation on the random split, and the error bars represent the standard deviations among the 5-folds.