In order to run the clients, you should firstly install:
- ZeroMQ (cpp and python)
- OpenCV (cpp and python)
- Websockets (python)
- flask-cors (No Code GUI - python)
This example contains the list of all the available topics that can be run on MuseBox. To use it, you should build the executable file and run it as follows, remember to change row 20 of with the correct path if cross-compiling:
cd Cpp
./ [cross-compile]
./client topic image|txt_file [image2]
There are three different python examples featuring both ZeroMQ and Websocket clients. You can simply run them as follows:
# zmq client
# websocket client
If you want to stream using your webcam (either on your pc or FPGA board), we have created a Flask app. Run as follows:
python3 -m flask run --host=
Meanwhile on the NoCodeGUI, you should add the "Decoded Media Streams" from MuseBox input's list and put the correct address, for example "".
For more informations on MuseBox and the inputs of each topic, you can go to the documentaion site: