A quick start blazor server app that allows you to configure the Blazor DatePicker component from Syncfusion with its available options. This project contains simple code customizations, as well as some important features such as setting specific date values, formats and navigating between different views such as month, year, and decade.
Documentation: https://blazor.syncfusion.com/documentation/datepicker/getting-started/
Online examples: https://blazor.syncfusion.com/demos/datepicker/default-functionalities
Make sure that you have the compatible versions of Visual Studio 2019 and .NET Core SDK 3.1.2 in your machine before starting to work on this project.
To run this application, you need to first clone the create-blazor-date-picker-component-in-blazor-server-app
repository and then open it in Visual Studio 2019. Now, simply build and run your project to view the output.