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This library provides several community detection algorithms based on the likelihood optimization. It's a complimentary code for our article Community detection through likelihood optimization: in search of a sound model.


Originally based on the code of community aka python-louvain library from Thomas Aynaud.


We provide several different models, so the likelihood of a graph partition under the given model could be used as a target quality function to optimize. The optimization process itself is a standard greedy Louvain algorithm.

The following models are implemented:

  • Planted Partition Model (particular case of Stochastic Block Model) having two parameters p_in and p_out, the corresponding method “ppm” has one parameter gamma;
  • DCPPM: Degree-Corrected Planted Partition Model having two parameters p_in and p_out, the corresponding method “dcppm” has one parameter gamma;
  • ILFR: Independent LFR Model with parameter mu, corresponds to “ilfr” method;
  • ILFRs: simplified version of ILFR, corresponds to “ilfrs” method.

Note that the method “dcppm” with gamma=1 is equivalent to the standard Louvain algorithm. However, our usage of the resolution parameter gamma differs from the usage in python-louvain library. We use a conventional notion of the resolution parameter, as described in Community detection in networks: Modularity optimization and maximum likelihood are equivalent.


This library uses networkx as a graph processing library. It should work with Python 2.7 or Python 3.

The provided example scripts work under Python 2.7, but could be easily adapted for Python 3.


We included 3 different examples with two reasons in mids:

  • to illustrate the possibilities and functions of our library
  • to demonstrate several possible optimal parameter search strategies


This example uses 3 different methods (ppm/dcppm/ilfrs) and the iterative parameter optimization strategy. On each iteration such strategy first constructs the best partition given the parameter value, then calculates the most probable parameter value for the current partition. We noticed that such iterative strategy usually converges fast to some stable solution. Finally, this example gives the rand/jaccard/NMI scores against the ground truth partition for each of the resulting partitions.


This second example does exactly the same as a previous one, but especially for the ILFR model. The difference is in the way we calculate the best parameter value for given partition: there is no good analytical solution for this case, so we use scipy.optimize.fmin_powell to optimize it on each iteration.


The third example uses the direct optimization of the log likelihood of the model parameter for each model using scipy.optimize.fmin_powell.

Main library functions

Here is a list of the most important functions with brief comments on them:

  • best_partition -- this is the main function to build the partition given a graph (NetworkX object), method (should be "dcppm"/"ppm"/"ilfr"/"ilfrs"), pars as a dict of model's parameters (basically, one should use 'mu' from (0,1) for "ilfr" and "ilfrs", and 'gamma' from (0,inf) for "ppm"/"dcppm") and some optional parameters same as in the python-louvain package;

  • model_log_likelihood -- calculates the log likelihood of the given partition of the graph considering the given method and method's parameter value, if parameters are not provided, calculates the optimal ones according to estimate_mu ("ilfrs"/"ilfr") or estimate_gamma ("ppm"/"dcppm");

  • estimate_mu -- returns the estimation for the best mu value given the graph and its partition, should be used for the "ilfrs" model and, can be not optimal for “ilfr”;

  • estimate_gamma -- returns the estimation for the best gamma value given the model ("ppm"/"dcppm"), the graph and its partition;

  • ilfr_mu_loglikelihood -- returns the log likelihood for ILFR model for given mu value, graph and its partition;

  • compare_partitions -- calculates Rand index, Jaccard index and NMI for two different partitions of the same graph.


We also included several real world datasets with known ground truth partitions, namely:

  • datasets/karate (Wayne W Zachary. 1977. An information flow model for conflict and fission in small groups),
  • datasets/dolphins (David Lusseau, Karsten Schneider, Oliver J Boisseau, Patti Haase, Elisabeth Slooten, and Steve M Dawson. 2003. The bottlenose dolphin community of Doubtful Sound features a large proportion of long-lasting associations. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54, 4 (2003), 396–405.),
  • datasets/football (Mark EJ Newman and Michelle Girvan. 2004. Finding and evaluating community structure in networks. Physical review E 69, 2 (2004), 026113),
  • datasets/polbooks (Mark EJ Newman. 2006. Modularity and community structure in networks. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 103, 23 (2006), 8577–8582; V. Krebs, unpublished,,
  • datasets/polblogs (Lada A Adamic and Natalie Glance. 2005. The political blogosphere and the 2004 US election: divided they blog. In Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Link discovery. ACM, 36–43),
  • datasets/eu-core (Jure Leskovec, Jon Kleinberg, and Christos Faloutsos. 2007. Graph evolution: Densification and shrinking diameters. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 1, 1 (2007), 2),
  • datasets/cora_full (Lovro Šubelj and Marko Bajec. 2013. Model of complex networks based on citation dynamics. In Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 527–530),
  • datasets/as (Marián Boguná, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos, and Dmitri Krioukov. 2010. Sustaining the internet with hyperbolic mapping. Nature communications 1 (2010), 62).


Several graph clustering algorithms in one library







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