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📖 Manual

Martin Feick edited this page Feb 24, 2021 · 6 revisions

1. Configure experimental metadata (participant number etc,).


2. Copy-paste json path to include your custom questionnaire.


3. Set output path, filename, delimiter and type.

Outputfile naming convention:

_path = _folderPath + "questionnaireID_" + _questionnaireID + "_participantID_" + _studySetup.ParticipantId + "_condition_" + _studySetup.Condition + "_" + FileName + "." + _fileType;


4. Re-sizing and World-anchoring questionnaire panel


This mode allows you to adjust the questionnaire panel's size while being inside the virtual environment.

  1. Select configuration mode
  2. Run scene
  3. Use '+' and '-' keys on your keyboard to re-size questionnaire AND arrow keys up/down for moving it (press 0 to reset it)
  4. Values are automatically stored and loaded when starting the experiment
  5. Uncheck configuration mode and the keyboard shortcuts are disabled

When running the scene in configuration mode you can also change the position of the panel.
