Raspberry Pi Pico library to communicate with MCP23S17 16-bit I/O expander
While this library is fairly barebones, it still provides the barebone code to communicate with the MCP23S17 chip. It's enough for my personal needs for another project, others are welcome to contribute with furthur revisions that could implement more advanced features such as
- interrupts
- make a class for one instance of a chip, so passing SPI_PORT and pin is not neccessary
Add this repository as a submodule
git submodule add https://github.com/MathiasYde/pico-mcp23s17
Include it in your project's CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries( ... pico_mcp23s17)
Example code
#include "mcp23s17.h"
uint8_t PIN_DATA_PORT = 20;
uint8_t PIN_SPI_CLK = 18;
uint8_t PIN_SPI_MOSI = 19;
uint8_t PIN_SPI_MISO = 16;
int main() {
// init spi with max speed of the mcp23s17
spi_init(SPI_PORT, MCP23S17_MAX_SPEED);
// init the gpio pin for data port by setting it high
mcp23s17_init_gpio(new uint8_t[1]{PIN_DATA_PORT});
gpio_set_function(PIN_SPI_MISO, GPIO_FUNC_SPI);
gpio_set_function(PIN_SPI_CLK, GPIO_FUNC_SPI);
gpio_set_function(PIN_SPI_MOSI, GPIO_FUNC_SPI);
// init port by configuring IOCON register
mcp23s17_init(SPI_PORT, PIN_DATA_PORT);
// configure register A for output
mcp23s17_write_byte(SPI_PORT, PIN_DATA_PORT, MCP23S17_IODIR_A, MCP23S17_IODIR_OUTPUT);
// configure register B for input
mcp23s17_write_byte(SPI_PORT, PIN_DATA_PORT, MCP23S17_IODIR_B, MCP23S17_IODIR_INPUT);
// configure register B to enable pull ups to reduce noise
while (true) {
// write out 1 bit on register A, being shifted to the left 8 times
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
uint8_t out_data = 0x01 << i;
mcp23s17_write_byte(SPI_PORT, PIN_DATA_PORT, MCP23S17_GPIO_A, out_data);
// read data from register B
uint8_t in_data;
mcp23s17_read_byte(SPI_PORT, PIN_DATA_PORT, MCP23S17_GPIO_B, &in_data);
printf("read %d\n", in_data);
See LICENSE file