Windows Alpha 21
- Added "Disable Mouse Wheel in Play Mode" option (Options > Input > Mouse)
- Added "SliderBody Color Saturation" option (1 = osu, 0 = black, 0.5 = mix) (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Number Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "HitResult Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "HitErrorBar Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Combo Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Accuracy Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "ProgressBar Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added support for sliderstartcircleoverlay and sliderendcircleoverlay
- Added osu_hitresult_duration command until I figure out how osu determines the fadeout duration
- Changed the default value of "Disable Mouse Buttons in Play Mode" to false
- First Person mod now hides the playfield border
- Hiterrorbar now scales with the global HUD scale
- Fixed very old beatmaps not working with the "No Timingpoints" error
- Fixed very old beatmaps not using AR = OD
- Potentially fixed raw input not working on Windows XP
- Fixed SliderBreak Epilepsy continuing forever if exit beatmap while active
- Fixed slider crash in
- Fixed skin selection context menu being limited by the options menu height
- Fixed SliderTicks being scaled incorrectly
- Fixed sliderstartcircle and sliderendcircle being scaled incorrectly
- Fixed Spinners being scaled incorrectly (e.g. HappyStick skin)