Windows Alpha 25
- Changed HitWindowMiss calculation from (500 - OD*10) ms to a constant 400 ms (clicks within this delta can count as misses)
- Added osu!.db database support (read-only! nothing is modified) (Options > osu!folder)
- Added partial Score + Ranking Screen (no local scores yet)
- Added "stars" and "length" search parameters (only available if osu!.db support is enabled)
- Added star display to songbrowser (only available if osu!.db support is enabled)
- Added multi state mod button support, added Nightcore + Sudden Death + Perfect mods
- Added Mod Select hotkeys (Options > Keyboard > Keys > Mod Select)
- Added SliderBody Opacity slider (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Disable Mouse Buttons" keybind (Options > Input > Keyboard)
- Added "Save Screenshot" keybind
- Added "Player Name" textbox to options
- Added new experimental mod "Random"
- Added osu_draw_reverse_order command for experimental purposes (EZ reading, 1 to activate)
- Added osu_stacking command for experimental purposes (0 to disable stacks, 1 to enable)
- Added osu_playfield_stretch_x/y commands for experimental purposes (0.0 = osu, 1.0 = fullscreen, -2.0 = squish etc.)
- Hitobject fadeout durations are now scaled with the speed multiplier (DT/HT/etc.)
- Wobble mod is now compensated for speed. Added osu_mod_wobble_frequency and osu_mod_wobble_rotation_speed commands
- Fixed missing ApproachCircle in options skin preview from previous version
- Fixed alt-tab while m_bIsWaiting causing invisible clickable pause menu
- Fixed "Disable Mouse Wheel in Play Mode" also being active while not playing