Windows Alpha 27
- Added note blocking/locking (enabled by default!)
- Added "Note Blocking" toggle (Options > Gameplay > General)
- Added background fadein/fadeout during Breaks
- Added "FadeIn Background during Breaks" toggle (Options > Gameplay > General)
- Added "Use osu!next Slider Style" (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Show Approach Circle on First Hidden Object" (Options > Gameplay > General)
- Added "Use combo color as tint for slider border" (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Separated "Slider Opacity" and "SliderBody Opacity" (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Boss Key (Minimize)" keybind (Options > Input > Keyboard > Keys - Universal)
- Added "Scrubbing" keybind, defaults to SHIFT (Options > Input > Keyboard > Keys - In-Game)
- Added "Draw Scrubbing Timeline" (Options > Gameplay > HUD)
- Added "Quick Save" + "Quick Load" keybinds, default to F6 + F7 (Options > Input > Keyboard > Keys - In-Game)
- Added arrow key support to override sliders (left/right with a 0.1 stepsize)
- Updated slider startcircle & endcircle fadeout with hidden, to match recent osu changes
- Changed hitobject sorting to draw simultaneous objects on top of active objects (circles during sliders, 2B etc.)
- Made scrubbing rebindable, added minimalistic scrubbing timeline UI (also shows quicksaves)
- While the timeline is visible, left click scrubs, and right click sets the quicksave time (in addition to the keybind)
- Improved scrubbing to only seek within the playable hitobject time (instead of the whole song)
- Inverted ALT key behaviour for override sliders (default stepsize is now 0.1, smaller stepsize of 0.01 while ALT is held)
- Fixed incorrect opsu circle radius scaling within some aspect ratio ranges (CS was too high/difficult by as much as x0.2)
- Fixed reverse arrows counting towards accuracy
- Fixed jerky spinner spin sound