Declarative hardware configuration for NixOS [maintainer=@brianmcgee,@Mic92]
The servers configurations of
OpenTofu lets you declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure.
Update flake.lock with the latest commit of a local checkout
Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat AI
Generate Nix packages from URLs with hash prefetching, dependency inference, license detection, and more [maintainer=@figsoda]
Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
Execute commands remote via ssh and locally in parallel with python
Nix documentation – centralized community online learning resource for Nix
❄️ Simplify Nix Flakes with the module system
Tools for ngos, organizing private hosting 💙 💛
Script to run a command within a Mullvad network namespace
nixos-generate-config replacement written in python [maintainer=@Artturin]
A more efficient way to store and substitute Nix store paths