manjpfb created by MikeTurkeyVersion 0.0.10, 15 Jan 20252024-2025, COPYRIGHT MikeTurkey, All Right Reserved.ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.GPLv3 License including a prohibition clause for AI training.
FreeBSD 日本語マニュアルページャー
manjpfbはpython3で動作するFreeBSD日本語マニュアルページャーです。 このプログラムはデータを保存せず、その都度ごとにダウンロードをします。 pythonスクリプトで動作していることから、将来的には多くのOSで動作すれば良いと考えています。 多くのオペレーティングシステムでFreeBSD日本語マニュアルを読めるようになります。 FreeBSD日本語マニュアルの中には完全に翻訳されていないものがありますが、現在のところ仕様です。 ドキュメントの翻訳に全ての責任を負わないことに注意してください。
FreeBSD Japanese-Man Pager.
manjpfb [ --version | --help ]manjpfb [ --listos | --listman]manjpfb [MANNUM] [MANNAME]
Run on python pypi.
$ python3.xx -m pip install manjpfb
$ python3.xx -m manjpfb man
manjpfb is pager of FreeBSD Japanese man using Python3. The program does not store man-data and download it with each request. Since it is a Python script, it is expected to run on many Operating Systems in the future. We can read the FreeBSD Japanese man on many Operating Systems. There is man-data that is not fully translated, but this is currently by design. Please note that I do not take full responsibility for the translation of the documents.
Show version.
Show help messages.
Print temporary(cache) directory.
Show the FreeBSD version name list of the manual.e.g. FreeBSD 13.2-Release
Show the man list of the FreeBSD.e.g. ls, cp, rm, mv ...
Show the man 1 list of the 1: General Commands Manual
Show the man 2 list of the 2: System Calls Manual
Show the man 3 list of the 3: Library Functions Manual
Show the man 4 list of the 4: Kernel Interfaces Manual
Show the man 5 list of the 5: File Formats Manual
Show the man 6 list of the 6: Games Manual
Show the man 7 list of the 7: Miscellaneous Information Manual
Show the man 8 list of the 8: System Manager's Manual
Show the man 9 list of the 9: Kernel Developer's Manual
$ manjpfb ls
print ls man.
$ manjpfb 1 head
print head 1 section man.
$ manjpfb --version
Show the message
$ manjpfb --listman
Show man page list.
$ manjpfb --listos
Show os name list of man.
Please report bugs to the issue tracker: by e-mail: <voice[ATmark]>
MikeTurkey <voice[ATmark]>
GPLv3 License including a prohibition clause for AI training.