HDSkins 6.7.2 for Minecraft 1.19.3
- Updated to 1.19.3! Wooo!
- Substantial internal reworking for the skin uploading gui to make things overall function a little more smoothly
- The blank skin preview is now more all-inclusive and tolerant to a wide variety of default player skins
- Removed dependancy on Apache's HttpMime
- Updated Yggdrasil skin server implementation
- Fixed player model trying to rotate whilst you drag
- Fixed toggling elytra mode stealing equipped chestplates
- The player will now face to the front when first opening the gui
- Fixed player position shifting down when sneaking
- Uploader status is now more accurately reported
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Maven: http://repo.minelittlepony-mod.com/maven/release
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:hdskins:6.7.2