Releases: MineLittlePony/HDSkins
HDSkins 6.1 for Minecraft 1.15.2
New Features
- Added support for the vanilla (Mojang) Yggdrasil skin server! Now you don't have to leave the game to upload to, HD Skins will do that for you. Simply click the "?" button to switch skin servers and upload/preview/download your skin from the official servers just like you would our own custom skin servers.
- Updated to 1.15.2
- You can now upload your skin directly to mojang' servers from inside the game (click the "?" to switch to the Yggdrasil skin server)
- Same as above, downloading/saving skins.
Bugs Squashed:
- Fixed 404/400 errors being logged
- Fixed lighting on the skin preview appearing jagged, and totally not smooth enough, bro.
- Fixed rendering bugs on the skin preview
- Fixed Profile stuck on the alex model despite uploading as the steve model #14
- Fixed text layering issues (Kirin)
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:6.1-1.15.2
HDSkins 6.0.1 for Minecraft 1.15
- Re-enabled Mod Menu integration
- Fixed skin conversion not being triggered for preview textures
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:6.0.1-1.15
HDSkins 6 for Minecraft 1.15
- Updated to 1.15
- The player preview now includes a unique alex skin
- Added an entrypoint for mods that want to support hdskins. It's just called "hdskins" and acceps a ModInitializer
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:6-1.15
HDSkins 5.6 for Minecraft 1.14.4
- Completely removed the legacy skin server (Remember to update your configs!)
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.4-5.6+
HDSkins 5.5.1 for Minecraft 1.14.4
- The skin server now uses https by default
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.4-5.5+
HDSkins 5.5 for Minecraft 1.14.4
There were a few important changes in this version that people should take note of:
Legacy Skin Servers are Deprecated!!
Configs from the old servers have been removed from the mod in this version, so if you have a skin uploaded to it be sure that you download/save it locally and reupload to the Valhalla server before updating.
To download you skin go to the skin uploader screen (The Pants Icon) and then click the download button (<<) button. Choose a location to save your file and click "ok/save".
To switch skin servers, you can click the little "?" in the bottom right corner, and upload your skin again.
- Removed bethlehem skin server types
- Removed the legacy skin server (Legacy skin servers are now deprecated)
- Improved file type detection
- Added new file icons for images, audio files, and video files when viewing the file selection screens
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed other player's textures not loading the first time you join a world
- Fixed player skins always appearing as Alex when viewed through the skin previewer
- Fixed elements in the file selection window are not centred, or push the scrollbar off the screen (Kirin)
- Fixed file extensions being handled encorrectly when opening/saving a file
- Fixed various issues with filename/extension requirements not being maintained when saving a file
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.4-5.5+
HDSkins 5.4.3 for Minecraft 1.14.4
- Updated Kirin
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.4-5.4.3+
HDSkins 5.4.2 for Minecraft 1.14.4
- Updated to 1.14.4
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.4-5.4.2+
HDSkins 5.4 for Minecraft 1.14.3
Added support for regular expressions to match multiple layers
{ "skins": [ { "type": "SKIN", "model": "default", "pattern": "S[o]+llace|Notch", "skin": "hdskins:textures/skins/super_silly_pony.png" } ] }
Added a swimming pose to the skinning gui
Added Armour sets. Resourcepacks can add their own armour sets, and players can toggle between them when in the skins gui to see how they appear on the player.
Fixed players not rendering when Optifine is installed.
Fixed inconsistent button placements when Mod Menu is installed ( TerraformersMC/ModMenu#54 )
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.3-5.4+
HDSkins 5.3.2 for Minecraft 1.14.3
Added support for specifying the skin's model type (ALEX/DEFAULT) in the json config
{ "skins": [ { "type": "SKIN", "model": "default", "name": "Sollace", "skin": "hdskins:textures/skins/super_silly_pony.png" } ] }
Fixed crash when previewing a server skin
Added ModMenu integration
Moved skin servers to use resourcepacks instead of a config file
Installation (Users):
Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here
Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.3-5.3+