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Releases: MineLittlePony/HDSkins

HDSkins 5.3 for Minecraft 1.14.3

06 Jul 14:56
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  • Player textures will now resolve immediately when joining the game, so long as they have been loaded previously


  • Players can now specify a custom skin to use for any given player, including themself, with a resourcepack.

Simply create a resourcepack and add a json file like this simillar to this one:

  "skins": [
      { "type": "SKIN", "name": "Sollace", "skin": "hdskins:textures/skins/super_silly_pony.png" }

And place it at assets/hdskins/textures/skins/skins.json

Name is the display name of the user who's skin you want to place. You can also specify a uuid of the player's minecraft account:

  "skins": [
      { "type": "SKIN", "uuid": "0000-0000-0000-0000", "skin": "hdskins:textures/skins/super_silly_pony.png" }

Type is type of skin (SKIN, ELYTRA, CAPE), and skin is the resource pack for the texture you want to use, also in the resourcepack.

In this case the json file will change me to use the skin at /assets/hdskins/textures/skinss/super_silly_pony.png.

Installation (Users):

Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here

Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!

Installation (Modders):

Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.3-5.3+

HDSkins 5.1.1 for Minecraft 1.14.3

29 Jun 17:58
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  • Updated to 1.14.3
  • Fixed crash relating to player skulls
  • The file selector is now a grid instead of a list!

Installation (Users):

Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here

Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!

Installation (Modders):

Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.3-5.+

HDSkins 5.0.2 for Minecraft 1.14.2

15 Jun 15:27
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This is the HD Skins mod extracted from Mine Little Pony.


  • rewrote the skinning gui
  • Removed the experimental skin drop ad the old swing skin drop 9you can now just drop images directly into the game window)
  • File selection and saving is now done directly through the game using a shiny new GUI.

Known Issues:

  • When entering the skinning window, the server texture might appear broken the first time it loads. Simply close and re-open the menu to fix this.

Installation (Users):

Refer to the Fabric installation instructions here

Once you have fabric installed, simply download the version.jar below and place it in your mods folder.
Remember to use the fabric launcher profile when starting the game!

Installation (Modders):

Dependency: com.minelittlepony:HDSkins:1.14.2-5.+