Welcome to the collection of 3rd party-developed Host OS Configuration Modules for Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes (MOSK). This repository contains various configuration modules created and contributed by Mirantis Professional Services, Customer Support teams, partners, and users of Mirantis' products.
- Mirantis does not guarantee that any of the contributed modules will work or be compatible with the latest version of MOSK.
- Mirantis is not responsible for any damage, issues, or disruptions caused by the usage of these modules.
- Use these modules at your own risk and test them in a safe environment before deploying them in production.
This repository serves as a community-driven collection of host OS configuration modules, which can be used to fine-tune the underlying OS for MOSK deployments. Contributors from the community, Mirantis Professional Services, and customer support teams share their modules here.
To use any of the modules from this repository:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-org/mosk-host-os-modules.git cd mosk-host-os-modules
- Browse the available modules in the respective directories.
- Follow the provided documentation or instructions within each module's folder to apply it.
We encourage contributions from the Mirantis community! If you have developed a module that you believe would benefit others, feel free to contribute it by following these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a new branch for your module:
git checkout -b feature-new-module
- Add your module to the appropriate directory, along with a README file explaining how it works.
- Submit a Pull Request (PR) with a clear description of your module.
- Ensure your module is well-documented.
- Include a
explaining the purpose and usage of the module. - Do not include proprietary or sensitive information.
Since this is a community-driven repository, there is no official support from Mirantis. However, if you encounter an issue or have a question, you can:
- Open an Issue on this repository.
- Engage with the community for discussions and solutions.
This repository is open-source and distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
We appreciate your contributions and efforts in making MOSK a more flexible and configurable platform! 🚀