sudo apt install curl
curl | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install --lts
npm install --global yarn
yarn install
mkdir -p jsonFiles - create folder for test data storage
mkdir -p reports - create folder for test post-run reports
mkdir -p screenshots - create folder for screenshots taken on test failure
/config - your configuration folder, you can create as many profiles for as many envs as needed
/projectSpecific - folder for both definitions and methods which are project unique
/tests - your main wrapper for feature folders and files
multilingualStrings.js - string translations
Node - v18 (Recommended v20)
Yarn - v1.22
config - configuration profiles, separated on folders by environment
features - Has 3 folders
src - Main function definitions
app - Step defitions, hooks and components
tests - Gherkin feature suits
files - Files used for form uploads
jsonFiles - Storage of test data
reports - HTML based status report
screenshots - screenshots taken on test failure
baseUrl - the domain of the tested website
authUser - basic auth user name (if needed)
authPass - basic auth user pass (if needed)
jsonFilePath - custom file name for data storage (if needed)
tags - test tagging using the expression way:
@fast Scenarios tagged with @fast
@wip and not @slow Scenarios tagged with @wip that aren’t also tagged with @slow
@smoke and @fast Scenarios tagged with both @smoke and @fast
@gui or @database Scenarios tagged with either @gui or @database
yarn test {profile} {env} - all tests
yarn test {profile} {env} features/tests/<test> - specific test
yarn test exampleProfile dev