#The Project's objective was developed to help people around the world easily analyze, keep and remind their tasks with notifications
- The app can:
- catch the task
- sync your data(task) with any device
- analyze your task in graphs and pie chart
- remider notifications
- Remind you about your todo task some 15 minutes(remind time depends on your preference) before the actual time
- keep the history of your task
Feel free to use however you think best in the app.
- Use any libraries for Android that you want, but we will need to be able to build your code to evaluate it.
Technologies used
- MVVM - Model View View Model
- to store data
- and cach data
- Auth
- Images Storege
- Data Storage
- Coroutines
- liveData
- jetpack navigation components
- picasso image loading lib
- hdodenhof CircleImageView
I added some screenshots in the screenshots
folder, in the root directory of the project. Added some GIFs to also show end to end test on the app