Mood Boost offers simple breathing exercises, inspiring quotes, and a touch of humor to brighten your day and put a smile on your face. You can use the application as a guest or login to have it track your activity usage.
The Mood Boost App is designed to enhance users' emotional well-being through engaging and interactive features and was built using a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) with a Rails API backend and React frontend.
- Deliver a Functional Solution: Address a real-world problem with practical and user-friendly features.
- Emphasize Team Collaboration: Foster teamwork, project management, and decision-making skills in a multi-app system.
- Enhance Professional Readiness: Provide hands-on experience with SOA, external APIs, and deployment, preparing developers for industry challenges.
- Prioritize User Empathy: Create an inclusive, user-centered design by developing detailed user stories and conducting equity analyses.
Clone down the resposity to your local machine, cd into the direcotry and run:
- npm install
To see the front end application functioning from the command line run:
- npm start
This will allow you to use the spinner and the menu bar to navigate through all of the pages and see the application functioning. To utilize the user login portion you will also need to clone down the backend server and have it up and running as well.
- React v19.0
- React Router v7.1
To use the user login functionality you will be required to have the Mood Boost Backend Repo installed and running.
End to End testing was done with Cypress. To run the test suite you will need to install Cypress with:
- npm i -D cypress
Then update your package.json file by adding: "cypress": "cypress open" to your "scripts" section.
To run Cypress from the command line type:
- npm run cypress