This is a further bugfix release in the 2.5-branch with several changes to forms and a few fixes. The minimal PHP version, the forum is able to run is PHP 7.3, the maximal (tested) PHP version is 8.2. The minimal version of the MySQL database server was raised to version 5.7.7 respectively version 10.2.2 in case of a MariaDB server with the previous release (20240729.1). The minimal version of MLF from one can start an upgrade is version 2.4.19.
Important notice: after finishing the upgrade process the forum stays in maintenance modus. You have to manually enable the forum again in the settings page afterwards.
- rework of the posting form for a better usability and enhancements in displaying on mobile devices
- rework of the popups for uploading a profile avatar and uploading images for the use in postings
- general use of modern form field types, where they are appropriate (in example the input types "search", "email", "url", "number")
- use of form element attributes (in example "required", "autofocus" and so on)
- rework of the elements of a posting in the thread trees
- adding element
for the posting time - move the no-text icon to the trail of icons at the end of a posting item
- prevent breaking of the subject and the metadata of a posting item
- add a breakpoint between the subject and the postings metadata
- adding element
- correct the broken query to select only the postings of a specified category
- display images of the type WebP in the gallery of uploaded images in the upload popup
- restrict the width of the sidebar in narrow viewports to the native width of the viewport (including margins, borders and paddings)
- prevent sending of passwords for AI training to the browser vendows when the password is unhidden
- add a few fixes for writing direction awareness
- do not check the name of a posting author for duplicate use in case of a posting edit by an administrator or a moderator
- take the posting time into account when checking the name of a posting author for duplicate use (names of registered users are blocked against the use through unregistered visitors)
- remove the tabindex attributes in the posting form because the caused a absolutely weird tab order (for details read this posting in the project forum)
Full Changelog: 20240827.1...20241215.1