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Tabloid Full Stack Group Project


  1. If this repo was generated for you by Github Classroom, clone this repo
  2. If this repo is the template repo for this project and you see the "Use this template" button, first create a new repo with the template, and then clone the repo generated for your own account
  3. In the top-level directory of the cloned project on your computer, run dotnet user-secrets init
  4. Run dotnet user-secrets set AdminPassword password (you can choose a different password if you wish)
  5. Run dotnet user-secrets set TabloidDbConnectionString 'Host=localhost;Port=5432;Username=postgres;Password=password;Database=Tabloid'
  6. Run dotnet restore
  7. Run dotnet build
  8. Run dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
  9. Run dotnet ef database update
  10. Run cd client
  11. Run npm install

Test the Setup

  1. Start debugging the API and run npm start in the client directory.
  2. You should see the login view when the UI opens.
  3. Attempt to login with [email protected] and the password you set the value of AdminPassword to in the user-secrets
  4. If the setup succeeded, you should see a welcome message, and a User Profiles menu option along with a logout button.


tabloid-team-po-ta-toes created by GitHub Classroom






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