- If this repo was generated for you by Github Classroom, clone this repo
- If this repo is the template repo for this project and you see the "Use this template" button, first create a new repo with the template, and then clone the repo generated for your own account
- In the top-level directory of the cloned project on your computer, run
dotnet user-secrets init
- Run
dotnet user-secrets set AdminPassword password
(you can choose a different password if you wish) - Run
dotnet user-secrets set TabloidDbConnectionString 'Host=localhost;Port=5432;Username=postgres;Password=password;Database=Tabloid'
- Run
dotnet restore
- Run
dotnet build
- Run
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
- Run
dotnet ef database update
- Run
cd client
- Run
npm install
- Start debugging the API and run
npm start
in theclient
directory. - You should see the login view when the UI opens.
- Attempt to login with
[email protected]
and the password you set the value ofAdminPassword
to in the user-secrets - If the setup succeeded, you should see a welcome message, and a
User Profiles
menu option along with a logout button.