v2.0.0 Changelogs:
Added Groq Vision API to allow the bot to see images
Added MUCH better message handling, as it will now:
No longer need a reply
or the trigger
for 10 seconds after a message has been sent
Queue messages to respond to in order, rather than replying to all messages at once
Config is now in config/config.yaml
, with more configuration options
Added update checking - you will now be notified of new releases of the bot
Added the option to disable the help command
Added the option to disable mentions
Added the ~instructions
command to allow you to view, change or clear the prompt
Increased the delay before starting to type for realistic typing
Channels and ignored users are now stored in a database, allowing for better handling
Reload command now reloads instructions as well
Fixed a bug where the restart command wouldn't work with the executable version
Added shutdown command
Bot no longer uses the Discord reply feature in DM's
Added cooldowns to commands to prevent spam
Added webhook logs for errors
Added disable reply ping option
Added Anti-Spam measures
You can’t perform that action at this time.