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johnjelinek committed Mar 20, 2015
1 parent 5264c32 commit b2426e3
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Showing 9 changed files with 459 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -97,3 +97,8 @@ cd ../..
cd genie/2.1.0
docker build -t netflixoss/genie:2.1.0 .
cd ../..

cd simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT
docker build -t netflixoss/simian-army:2.5-SNAPSHOT .
cd ../..
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions launchcommands.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,3 +44,13 @@ https://SKETCHY_NGINX/eager?url=

## Edda ##
docker run -d --name edda -v `pwd`/edda/2.1/ netflixoss/edda:2.1

docker run -d --name simian-army \
-v `pwd`/simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/ \
-v `pwd`/simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/ \
-v `pwd`/simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/ \
-v `pwd`/simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/ \
-v `pwd`/simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/ \
-v `pwd`/simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/ \
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/Dockerfile
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
FROM netflixoss/tomcat:7
MAINTAINER John Jelinek IV <[email protected]>


apt-get update &&\
apt-get install -y git &&\
git clone git:// &&\
cd SimianArmy/ &&\
./gradlew build &&\
mkdir /tomcat/webapps/ROOT &&\
cd /tomcat/webapps/ROOT &&\
jar xf /SimianArmy/build/libs/simianarmy-"$SIMIANARMY_VERSION".war &&\
rm -fr /SimianArmy

# Cleanup
apt-get clean && \
rm -fr /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
rm -fr /tmp/*


ENTRYPOINT ["/tomcat/bin/"]

CMD ["run"]
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# The file contains the properties for Chaos Monkey.
# see documentation at:

# let chaos run
simianarmy.chaos.enabled = true

# don't allow chaos to kill (ie dryrun mode)
simianarmy.chaos.leashed = true

# set to "false" for Opt-In behavior, "true" for Opt-Out behavior
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.enabled = false

# default probability for all ASGs
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.probability = 1.0

# increase or decrease the termination limit
simianarmy.chaos.ASG.maxTerminationsPerDay = 1.0

# Strategies
simianarmy.chaos.shutdowninstance.enabled = true
simianarmy.chaos.blockallnetworktraffic.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.burncpu.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.killprocesses.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.nullroute.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.failapi.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.faildns.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.faildynamodb.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.fails3.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networkcorruption.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networklatency.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.networkloss.enabled = false

# Force-detaching EBS volumes may cause data loss
simianarmy.chaos.detachvolumes.enabled = false

# FillDisk fills the root disk.
# NOTE: This may incur charges for an EBS root volume. See burnmoney option.
simianarmy.chaos.burnio.enabled = false
# BurnIO causes disk activity on the root disk.
# NOTE: This may incur charges for an EBS root volume. See burnmoney option.
simianarmy.chaos.filldisk.enabled = false

# Where we know the chaos strategy will incur charges, we won't run it unless burnmoney is true.
simianarmy.chaos.burnmoney = false

# enable a specific ASG
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.enabled = true
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.probability = 1.0

# increase or decrease the termination limit for a specific ASG
# simianarmy.chaos.ASG.<asgName>.maxTerminationsPerDay = 1.0

# Enroll in mandatory terminations. If a group has not had a
# termination within the windowInDays range then it will terminate
# one instance in the group with a 0.5 probability (at some point in
# the next 2 days an instance should be terminated), then
# do nothing again for windowInDays. This forces "enabled" groups
# that have a probability of 0.0 to have terminations periodically.
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.enabled = false
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.windowInDays = 32
simianarmy.chaos.mandatoryTermination.defaultProbability = 0.5

# Enable notification for Chaos termination for a specific instance group
# simianarmy.chaos.<groupType>.<groupName>.notification.enabled = true

# Set the destination email the termination notification sent to for a specific instance group
# simianarmy.chaos.<groupType>.<groupName>.ownerEmail = [email protected]

# Set the source email that sends the termination notification
# simianarmy.chaos.notification.sourceEmail = [email protected]

# Enable notification for Chaos termination for all instance groups = true

# Set the destination email the termination notification is sent to for all instance groups = [email protected]

# Set a prefix applied to the subject of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include a trailing space to separate from start of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.prefix = SubjectPrefix

# Set a suffix applied to the subject of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include an escaped space " \ " to separate from end of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.suffix = \ SubjectSuffix

# Set a prefix applied to the body of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include a trailing space to separate from start of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.body.prefix = BodyPrefix

# Set a suffix applied to the body of all termination notifications
# Probably want to include an escaped space " \ " to separate from end of default text
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.body.suffix = \ BodySuffix

# Enable the email subject to be the same as the body, to include terminated instance and group information
#simianarmy.chaos.notification.subject.isBody = true
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
### Configure which client and context to use.

### The default implementation is to use an AWS Client, equaling a property like the following:

### to use an VSphereClient instead, uncomment this:
### configure the specific selected client, e.g for VSphere these are

### configure the specific selected client, e.g for AWS these are

### both "accountKey" and "secretKey" can be left blank or be removed,
### if the credentials are provided as environment variable or
### an instance role is used to handle permissions
### see: = fakeAccount = fakeSecret = us-west-1

### To operate under an assumed role - the role will be assumed for all activity, sts:AssumeRole
### action must be allowed for the inital IAM role being used (long lived credentials)
# = arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT:role/ROLE

### The VSpehere client uses a TerminationStrategy for killing VirtualMachines
### You can configure which property and value for it to set prior to resetting the VirtualMachine
# Boot

# Uncomment to use a version of Monkey recorder that does not rely on AWS SDB

### Operate in Cloud Formation mode - the random suffix appended to Auto Scaling Group names is ignored
### (specify ASG names as usual with no suffix in
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions simian-army/2.5-SNAPSHOT/
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@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# let Conformity monkey run
simianarmy.conformity.enabled = true

# dryrun mode, no email notification to the owner of nonconforming clusters is sent
simianarmy.conformity.leashed = true

# By default Conformity Monkey wakes up every hour
simianarmy.scheduler.frequency = 1
simianarmy.scheduler.frequencyUnit = HOURS
simianarmy.scheduler.threads = 1

# Conformity Monkey runs every hour.
simianarmy.calendar.openHour = 0
simianarmy.calendar.closeHour = 24
simianarmy.calendar.timezone = America/Los_Angeles

# override to force monkey time, useful for debugging off hours
#simianarmy.calendar.isMonkeyTime = true

# Conformity monkey sends notifications to the owner of unconforming clusters between the open hour and close
# hour only. In other hours, only summary email is sent. The default setting is to always send email notifications
# after each run.
simianarmy.conformity.notification.openHour = 0
simianarmy.conformity.notification.closeHour = 24

simianarmy.conformity.sdb.domain = SIMIAN_ARMY

# The property below needs to be a valid email address to receive the summary email of Conformity Monkey
# after each run = [email protected]

# The property below needs to be a valid email address to send notifications for Conformity monkey
simianarmy.conformity.notification.defaultEmail = [email protected]

# The property below needs to be a valid email address to send notifications for Conformity Monkey
simianarmy.conformity.notification.sourceEmail = [email protected]

# By default Eureka is not enabled. The conformity rules that need to access Eureka are not added
# when Eureka is not enabled.
simianarmy.conformity.Eureka.enabled = false

# The following property is used to enable the conformity rule to check whether there is mismatch of availability
# zones between any auto scaling group and its ELBs in a cluster.
simianarmy.conformity.rule.SameZonesInElbAndAsg.enabled = true

# The following property is used to enable the conformity rule to check whether all instances in the cluster
# are in required security groups.
simianarmy.conformity.rule.InstanceInSecurityGroup.enabled = true

# The following property specifies the required security groups in the InstanceInSecurityGroup conformity rule.
simianarmy.conformity.rule.InstanceInSecurityGroup.requiredSecurityGroups = nf-infrastructure, nf-datacenter

# The following property is used to enable the conformity rule to check whether there is any instance that is
# older than certain days.
simianarmy.conformity.rule.InstanceTooOld.enabled = true

# The following property specifies the number of days used in the InstanceInSecurityGroup, any instance that is
# old than this number of days is consider nonconforming.
simianarmy.conformity.rule.InstanceTooOld.instanceAgeThreshold = 180

# The following property is used to enable the conformity rule to check whether all instances in the cluster
# have a status url defined according to Discovery/Eureka.
simianarmy.conformity.rule.InstanceHasStatusUrl.enabled = true

# The following property is used to enable the conformity rule to check whether all instances in the cluster
# have a health check url defined according to Discovery/Eureka.
simianarmy.conformity.rule.InstanceHasHealthCheckUrl.enabled = true

# The following property is used to enable the conformity rule to check whether there are unhealthy instances
# in the cluster accoring to Discovery/Eureka.
simianarmy.conformity.rule.InstanceIsHealthyInEureka.enabled = true

# You can override a cluster's owner email by providing a property here. For example, the line below overrides
# the owner email of cluster foo to [email protected]
# = [email protected]

# You can exclude specific conformity rules for a cluster using this property. For example, the line below excludes
# the conformity rule rule1 and rule2 on cluster foo.
# = rule1,rule2

# You can opt out a cluster completely from Conformity Monkey by using this property. After a cluster is opted out,
# no notification is sent for it no matter it is conforming or not. For example, the line below opts out the cluster
# foo.
# = true


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