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Releases: Nevexo/jetkvm-kvm


11 Feb 14:56
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Based on jetkvm@0d7efe5

No changes to PRs only in the next-branch, but rebases on the upstream dev branch to include fixes for the cloud access feature.


30 Jan 21:47
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Based on: jetkvm@8ffe66a

New pulls

  • @jackislanding - USB ID Changing - Allows you to rename the device on the target system

  • @andnic - USB HID subclass fix - Fixes HID in many BIOS setup utilities and embedded systems.

  • @williamjohnstone - Multiple Keyboard Layouts - Early draft, includes GB/US/US-Apple keymaps.

  • @Nevexo - Reboot button - not raised a PR for this as it's a very basic implementation that isn't handled nicely on the user side. It does work, but the Web UI just freezes until the JS realises and puts up the "connection error" screen. Before this is made into a PR, it needs to show a "rebooting" screen or similar.


  • @tutman96 - Plugin-system, no new features but fixes renaming JSONRPCServer to JSONRPCRouter, which fixes the plugins as they were broken in next-6.X

[NOT NEXT] Potential fix for BIOS HID

29 Jan 12:18
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Alerts the subclass settings for the keyboard and mouse HID gadgets as per this suggestion: jetkvm#79 (comment)

Binary attached, but can be built by checking out the usb-potential-fix-1 tag and running make build_dev and pushing to device with ./

If this works, I'll open it as a PR.


28 Jan 22:15
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Based on: - please read the changelog there.


  • Pulls jetkvm#17 up to date to fix start-up issues.

(Second release)


28 Jan 20:51
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Based on: - please read the changelog there.


  • Pulls jetkvm#17 up to date to fix start-up issues.


27 Jan 21:16
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jetkvm-next-6 introduces a number of new PRs, and completes the implementation of LCD backlight control (brightness, auto dimming and auto off)

New Features

These features are either new, or have been updated since jetkvm-next-5

All Features

These features were available in earlier versions of jetkvm-next, and have not been updated in this update.

Along with this build, jetkvm-next-multisession has also been updated, it will be released separately as a draft release.


27 Jan 21:20
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There have been no updates to the mutlisession support feature included in this branch, it works much the same as the version available in next-5-multisession but includes all of the updated features found in jetkvm-next-6


This is not fully tested, and much like the previous release, has no concept of control locking, so if two users access the device at the same time, you'll be fighting for the cursor!

Please read the release notes of both jetkvm-next-5-multisession and jetkvm-next-6 before using this build!


22 Jan 19:35
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Version with incredibly experimental support for multiple sessions. Does not implement any kind of control mutex (i.e., anyone connected can have control of the device) and has no permissions management.

Quite simply, this release (see commit 36e9178) changes the currentSesssion pointer to an array of sessions, and changes any other calls to the session to for loops that target all of the active connections.


  • Not fully test, it might leak memory, or blow up your JetKVM.
  • Has no concept of control mutex/authority control. Multiple clients can control the system at once and there's no way to differentiate.
  • I put absolutely zero thought into the implementation.

How to install

Either download the attached jetkvm_next_multisession and upload it to your KVM, or clone the repo, checkout the jetkvm-next-5-multisession tag and run

make build_next_multisession
./ -r [IP Address]

Then login to your JetKVM and run:

cd /userdata/jetkvm/bin
killall jetkvm_app
killall jetkvm_native


06 Jan 22:24
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Based on main jetkvm@8ffe66a


Pulls jetkvm#10 up to date - this adds plugin support from Tutman96's tree.


06 Jan 16:21
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Based on upstream jetkvm@8ffe66a


  • Added PR jetkvm#34 (save EDID to config and restore on reboot)