We utilize Vue.js for the frontend of Composers Canvas. At a high level, the frontend handles creating compositions, playback of compositions, and rendering sheet music. To see more information about the frontend setup, view the frontend README.
We utilize Flask for the backend of Composers Canvas. At a high level, the backend handles user authentication, saving compositions, and retrieving compositions. To see more information about the backend setup, view the backend README.
Note: You should add a .env file in the frontend directory with the following content before running the docker commands.
To start all three services (frontend, backend, and database), run the following command:
docker compose up
To stop the application, run:
docker compose down
To restart a specific container, use:
docker compose restart <container_name>
To access the PostgreSQL database via the terminal, use the following command:
docker exec -it composerscanvas-db-1 psql -U username -d music_composer
We utilize Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for deployment. To see more information about the deployment setup, view the deployment README.