To make an API to fetch latest videos sorted in reverse chronological order of their publishing date-time from YouTube for a given tag/search query in a paginated response.
- Server should call the YouTube API continuously in background (async) with some interval (say 10 seconds) for fetching the latest videos for a predefined search query and should store the data of videos (specifically these fields - Video title, description, publishing datetime, thumbnails URLs and any other fields you require) in a database with proper indexes.
- A GET API which returns the stored video data in a paginated response sorted in descending order of published datetime.
- A basic search API to search the stored videos using their title and description.
- Dockerize the project.
- It should be scalable and optimised.
- Add support for supplying multiple API keys so that if quota is exhausted on one, it automatically uses the next available key.
- Make a dashboard to view the stored videos with filters and sorting options (optional)
- Optimise search api, so that it's able to search videos containing partial match for the search query in either video title or description.
- Ex 1: A video with title
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- Ex 1: A video with title
/api/addInfo -
Add Data to Elastic Search
/api/getAllInformationFromElastic -
Returns Data from Elastic Search
/api/query -
Query Params : queryString , pageNumber , pageSize ;
Returns json and err with Status code 200
/api/page -
Query Params : pageNumber , pageSize
git clone
cd Youtube-Api-Task
docker-compose up
- YouTube data v3 API:
- Search API reference:
- ElasticSearch node.js client: