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NEB2 v1.5.0 Beta - The Big Update
released this
10 Feb 00:51
404 commits
to master
since this release
The largest version update we've had in a while. Mostly due to adding, and subsequently removing, GregTech.
Mods Added
- AppleCore
- Caveworld
- ChickenChunks
- Cosmetic Armor
- DimensionGuard
- GregTech
- INPureCore
- Modpack Tweaks
- More Planets
- NEI Integration
- Nincrafty Things
- Poor Ores
- SciMCLib
- Torcherino
- Too Much Loot
Mods Updated
- AE2
- AsieLib
- Baubles
- Better Foliage
- Bibliocraft
- Big Reactors
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- Chisel
- CodeChickenCore
- CoFHCore
- CoFHLib
- CookieCore
- CoroUtil
- Doom-like Dungeons
- EnderIO
- Ender Storage
- EE3
- Extra Cells
- Extra Utilities
- Flaxbeard's Steam Power
- Forge Multipart
- Galacticraft
- Hardcore Ender Expansion
- iChunUtil
- Iguana's Tinker Tweaks
- LunatriusCore
- Mekanism
- MicDoodleCore
- MineFactory Reloaded
- MineTweaker
- ModTweaker
- Morpheus
- Nether Ores
- Not Enough Items
- Open Blocks
- Open Computers
- OpenModsLib
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- PneumaticCraft
- Project:RED
- Random Things
- Redstone Arsenal
- ServerTools
- Simply Jetpacks
- Special Mobs
- Stackie
- Thaumcraft
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- TiCTooltips
- Tinkers' Construct
- Tinkers' Steelworks
- Twilight Forest
- Weather
- Xeno's Reliquary
Mods Removed
- ComputerCraft
- GregTech
- NEI Addons
- NEI Plugins
- Resonant Engine
- Sparkly Pants
- Universal Electricity
Major Config Changes
- Ore Generation is now Fractal, which basically means players will have to explore to find huge veins of ores, rather than having ores spread out everywhere at their own Y-Levels. This was changed to encourage exploration.
- To help prevent the possibility of never finding a resource, and to help fill the emptiness of caves wherever there isn't a fractal vein, poor ores have been added to the rest of the world generation.
- Some recipes have been altered to better place some mod content along our progression.
Bugs Fixed
- Minor bugfixes due to GT being added and removed.