A study code to learn G-CODE with Dexarm.
Processing 3.x https://processing.org/
ContoleP5 http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlP5/ (Install via Processing)
MacOSX https://www.dropbox.com/s/ntv515h317ola5r/OneStrokeDraw_1.4.1_OSX.zip?dl=0
Win64 https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqitmb43jn3y1n4/OneStrokeDraw_1.4.1_Win64.zip?dl=0
UnZip and Run! ( You may asked to install JAVA runtime)
After calibrating top of the Pen with arm to a paper, draw on screen. Then the Arm will draw the same as the screen by one stroke or Normal draw.
*Update 1.4 Add File save and Load as csv Add GCODE export
This source code is provided under MIT license. Please feel free to copy, modify, re-distribute anyway you want.
Written By Nlab7652, Summer 2020
Copyright (c) 2020 Nakayama Lab http://regeneration.med.saga-u.ac.jp/index-e.html